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They found he was growing some fruit 3.____________.A young man laughed at him and said, “Why are you growing those trees?” The 4.____________ young man said, “You are so 5.____________ now.You cant 6.____________ to the day when you can eat the fruits.” “My trees will have fruits in some years.I may not live to eat the fruits 7.____________ many others can enjoy them. trees second old live but In this way they will remember 8.____________ for my hard work.But what do you do? How will people 9._________ you?” The three young men knew that the old man was right.They knew that others couldnt remember them 10.____________ if they continued to do nothing.From that day on, they started working very hard. me remember well 单击此处编辑母版文本样式 第二级 第三级 第四级 第五级 放映结束 感谢各位的批评指导! 让我们共同进步 英语 返回 谢谢观看 短文填空专项训练 期末专项复习 (一) This is an old story.One day, a man was not happy when his 7-year-old 1.____________ made a box with some paper.The family was not very 2.____________ and didnt have much money.So the father thought that his daughter wasted(浪费)the paper.The next day, the little girl gave the 3.____________ to her father and said, daughter rich box , “Dad, today is your birthday.This is a special gift 4.____________ you.” After hearing 5.____________ his daughter said, the man became happy again.But he soon got angry when he found there was 6.____________ in the box.“7.____________ didnt you put anything for me in the beautiful box?” He asked his daughter. for what nothing Why The little girl 8.____________ at his father and cried, “Dad, I put my love in the box.Its all for you!” Then the man felt ashamed (惭愧的)and said 9.____________ to his daughter. Sometimes, we cant 10.____________ love with our eyes.We should feel it with our heart. looked sorry see (二) Swimming is very popular in the world.Many people like swimming 1.____________ summer, and in the other three 2.____________ too.They think water makes them feel cool and


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