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Listening Turn to Page 35, read Exercises 1 and 2 About MSF: The MSF role in emergency medical aid Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international humanitarian aid organization that provides emergency medical assistance to populations in danger in more than 70 countries. The listening has many examples of phrases that express time sequence. Listen to these expressions and number them in the order you hear them. Listen again and make notes. With a partner, answer the questions below before you listen for a third time. As you listen check your answer. LISTENING TEXT J: Good morning. I’m Jennifer Wells and today on “Making a difference”, I’m going to talk to Dr Mary Murray who works for Medicines Sans Frontieres. Welcome, Mary. M: Thank you, Jennifer. J: Now tell me why you decided to join MSF? M: Well, while I was studying in Sydney during the 1980s, I got to know two Sudaness students and visited them in 1990. I became good friends with their their families and decided to Work in a health clinic in their country in 1992 for a couple of months. There I saw children with terrible diseases that could have been prevented. That’s why I decided to work in developing countries. J: I see. So in 1997 you joined MSF and went to Malawi. What did you do there? M: Actually in Malawi, I was working with children affected by HIV/AIDS. It was heart-breaking. Children died because we didn’t have enough medicines. J: Oh, how sad! M: Yes, but things gradually improved. Now there’s treatment for HIV, which is showing very good results. J: That’s excellent news. Then, in 2001, you went to the Sudan again. Let’s talk about your work there. M: Well, the conditions were rather challenging. It could be unbelievably hot—sometimes as hot as 56 degrees Celsius! But when the rains came, the roads became so muddy that we spent most of our time digging the car out. The clinics were just mud huts and the only tools I had were a stethoscope and my two h



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