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Chemical Or Organic Farming? Reading What is the substance we put on the soil which makes crops grow ? It is fertilizer. How many kinds of fertilizers do farmers use ? There are two kinds. They are chemical fertilizers and natural ones. Task 1 Skimming (3mins) Find out the main idea of these four paragraphs. Long-term use of chemical fertilizers can cause damage to the land and people’s health. Problems caused by chemical fertilizers. P1. P2. Farmers and customers turn to organic farming. Other methods to keep the soil fertile. P3. P4. chemical fertilizers Why are chemical fertilizers so popular in farming today? Many farmers welcomed them as a great way to stop crop disease and increase production. Paragraph 1 Tips: the usage of several adverbs means clear and reasonable connection between parts. Task 1 Scanning 合成肥料 What problems can be caused by using chemical fertilizers? There are three problems.First, they can damage … as well as …. They also stay in the … and …. In addition, …grow too fast to …. Tips: connectives(过渡词) and transitional phrases(过渡词) for development first;second; finally;last but not least ,etc. 1.What is organic farming? 2.What are the advantages of organic farming? 1.Organic farming means growing crops without using any chemicals. Haha, weve turned to organic farming. Paragraph 3 2. What are the advantages of organic farming? The farmers focus on keeping their soil rich and free of disease and keeping the air , soil, water and crops free from chemicals. Paragraph 3 The methods to keep the soil fertile using natural waste from animals as fertilizer. changing the kind of crop in each field . planting crops to use different levels of soil. planting grass between crops to prevent … The same goal : ________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________ to grow good food and to avoid damag


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