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. . . 教学单位 计算机学院 教学单位 计算机学院 学生学号 201196014041 编 号 本科毕业设计 题  目 茹乐餐饮管理系统 学生姓名 吴巧娟 专业名称 计算机科学与技术 指导教师 张晓孪 2015年5月25日 茹乐餐饮管理系统 摘要:现阶段,大多数的餐馆以及酒店的餐饮管理系统都是采用比较传统的方式,虽然现在计算机技术迅速发展,但是还有好多的餐馆以及酒店在智能化方面还都跟不上时代的步伐,造成人力、物力及财力的浪费,这样的管理模式已经无法适应时代的要求,需要设计新的餐饮管理系统来解决现在存在的问题。 本系统采用JAVA/JSP技术设计,包括JavaBean技术,使用tomcat应用服务器,数据库使用SQL Server 2005开发基于MVC模式的网上订餐管理系统,主要有系统管理、会员管理、菜品类别、菜品管理、菜品录入、公告管理、订单管理和留言管理等功能,可以实现用户在线订餐,餐饮公司配送以及对订单、菜品的管理等。 本系统在测试和运行的过程中,设计测试方案的目标是选用少量的高效测试数据,尽可能多地发现软件中的问题,提高软件系统的可靠性、实用性,从而使系统能够正常运行。 关键词:订餐系统;JSP;SQL Server 2005;菜品;用户 RuLe catering management system Abstract: At present, the majority of restaurant and hotel catering management system is the more traditional way, although now computer technology is developing rapidly, they couldnt keep up with the pace of The Times in the aspect of intelligent for a lot of restaurants and hotels, a waste of manpower, material and financial resources, this management mode has been unable to adapt to the requirements of The Times, need to design a new catering management system to solve the problems existing now. This system uses JAVA/JSP technology design, including the javabeans technology, using tomcat application Server, database using SQL Server 2005 to develop the online and order management system based on MVC pattern, system management, member management, food categories and food management, food entry, public announcement management, order management and message management, and other functions, can realize the user online reservation, catering company distribution as well as to the order, and the management of the food. This system in the process of test and operation, basic goal is to design test scheme uses the least amount of efficient test data, as much a


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