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Unit 8 Transportation and Shipment Text B 4 It was established on July 1, 1997, whose headquarter was located in Shanghai. Within one year and a half it established many professional companies including container transport, shipping, tanker transport, freight, passenger transport, international trade, forwarder, industry and investment to basically achieve professional reorganization with benefits as the center, reasonable structure, and a complementary advantages management pattern. 5 On August 28, 1997 China Shipping Container Lines Co., Ltd. was established (hereinafter referred to as CSCL). In 2004 CSCL H-share went public in Hong Kong, and in 2007 in Shanghai A-share. 6 With the development of its transport industry, CSCL emphasizes on the harmonious development of industry on land, has built many professional companies on many professional fields including ship repair, logistics and dock, etc. At present it has a bigger dock industry which has shares in 12 Chinese docks with a container throughput of 13.7 million containers per year and joint venture docks in Los Angeles and Seattle. It pays great attention to ship building industry. In 1998 China Shipping Industry Co., LTD (CIC) was established, which then predominates Chinese ship building industry all the time. Unit 8 Transportation and Shipment Text B 7 The Hong Kong Holding was established on March 6, 1998 which was an important step to go oversea. With the development of oversea service, especially the container global shipping line, the European Holding, North America Holding, Southeast Asia Holding and West Asia Holding were established successively in 1999. Its oversea network includes 86 countries and regions in five continents with more than 90 companies and representatives, and more than 300 marketing network, which, therefore, has high global operation ability. 8 As of the end of 2010 its total assets was 143 billion which increased by 470% ; its asset-liability ratio was 42% which decr
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