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第 第 PAGE 1 页 共 NUMPAGES 166 页 丁丁历险记:独角兽号的秘密台词剧本 Very nearly there, sir. 就快完成了,先生 I have to say, your face is familiar. Have I drawn you before? 老实说看你很面熟 我以前画过你吗? Occasionally. 偶尔吧 Of course! I've seen you in the newspaper. 肯定啦!我在英国报纸上见过你 - You're a reporter? - I'm a journalist. - 你是通讯员? - 我是记者 Be patient, Snowy, not much longer. 耐心点 白雪 就快好了 I do beg your pardon. 真不好意思? There. 好了 I believe I have captured something of your likeness. 我觉得还是有抓到你的一些特点 Not bad! 不错! What do you think, Snowy? 你觉得怎么样 白雪? Snowy! 白雪! There you are, sir. 给您,先生 Now where's he run off to? 现在他去哪了? Anything? 有消息了吗? Nothing. 一无所获 Snowy! 白雪! Where have you been? 你去哪了? Chasing cats again? 又去追猫了? Snowy, look at this! 白雪 看这个! Triple masted. 三桅船 Double decks. Fifty guns. 双层甲板 配有50门炮 Isn't she a beauty? 是不是很漂亮? That's a very unique specimen, that is. 这可是一艘很独特的样品 From an old sea captain's estate. 是一位老船长的遗物 "The Unicorn." “独角兽号” Unicorn. Man o'war sailing ship. 没错 独角兽号帆船战舰 It's very old, that is. 16th century. 可有年头了 造于16世纪 17th, I would think. 我觉得是17世纪 - Reign of Charles I. - Charles II. - 查尔斯一世统治时期 - 查尔斯二世 That's what I said, Charles II. 我说的就是查尔斯二世 As fine a ship as ever sailed the seven seas. 这可是艘纵横七大洋的好船 You won't find another one of these, mate. 别的地儿可见不到的 小哥 And it's only two quid. 只要2镑 - I'll give you a pound. - Done! - 我出一镑 - 成交! Gently does it. 小心着点 Excuse me! 让下! Here you go. Careful. 给你 拿好了 Hey, bud, how much for the boat? 嘿 老兄 这艘船怎么卖? I'm sorry, I just sold it to this young gent. 抱歉 我已经卖给这位年轻人了 Oh, yeah? 是吗? Tell me what you paid and I'll give you double. 你花了多少 我加倍给你 - Double? - Thanks. But it's not for sale. - 双倍? - 谢了 但我不卖 Look, kid, I'm trying to help you out. 孩子 我可是想帮你 I don't think you realise this, 你好像不知道 but you're about to walk into a whole mess of danger. 你就要大祸临头了 What kind of danger? 什么祸? I'm warning you, get rid of the boat and get out while you still can. 我警告你 趁你还可以的时候扔掉这艘船 These people do not play nice. 那些家伙可不好惹 What people? 什么人? Wonderful! 真漂亮! It's just wonderful. 着实漂亮 Don't


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