穿靴子的猫 剧本台词(得赶紧下).docx

穿靴子的猫 剧本台词(得赶紧下).docx

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第 第 PAGE 1 页 共 NUMPAGES 129 页 穿靴子的猫 剧本台词 Through the years, I have been known by many names. 多年以来 江湖上流传过我很多名号 Diablo Gato. 暗黑破坏猫 The Furry Lover. 毛绒情圣猫 Chupacabra. 卓帕吸血猫 Friskie Two-Times. 超级花花公子猫 And the Ginger Hit Man. 金毛冷血杀手猫 But to most... I am Puss In Boots! 但是最广为人知的是...逍遥法外的 Outlaw. 剑客靴猫 I will never forget you... Margherita. 我永远不会忘记你的...玛格丽塔 I mean, Rosa. 哦不对 罗莎 Sorry. I think maybe I should go. 抱歉 我该走了 You cannot run forever, 你逃得了初一 逃不过十五 Puss In Boots! 死靴猫 What can I say? I was a bad kitty. 我还能说什么呢 我曾是只小坏猫 Just a fugitive from the law... forever running. 我亡命天涯 逃无止境 Searching for a way to clear my name. 只为有朝一日 为自己正名雪耻 剑 客 靴 猫 And I would get that chance... 在这个命中注定的夜晚... ...on this one fateful night. ...我要抓住这个机会 火焰节 火鸡 Here, kitty, kitty! 猫咪猫咪 过来过来 Raoul. 拉乌尔 Look what the cat dragged in. 快看怂样跟只猫似的 Oh, wait... That is the cat! 等等 就是只猫啊 One leche, please. 一杯牛奶 谢谢 What are you doing here, senor? Did you lose your ball of yarn? 有何贵干 先生 毛线团丢了吗 So funny. 好好笑 One leche coming up. 牛奶来了 500金悬赏剑客靴猫 I am not looking for trouble. 我不想惹事 I am but a humble gato in search of his next meal. 我不过是只谦卑的觅食小猫 Perhaps you gentlemen can help me find a simple score? 也许诸位能帮我找笔简单的生意 The only thing you'll find tonight is trouble... Puss In Boots. 今晚麻烦你是躲不过了 剑客靴猫 well, perhaps if one of 也许我们中会有人 us were to tell the law that you are in town, 去报官说你在镇上哦 We could split the reward. 奖金我们平分 You made the cat angry. 猫哥很生气 You do not want to make the cat angry! 后果很严重 The Church of St. Michael has just put up a golden statue 圣迈克尔教堂刚树起 of the Virgin of Guadalupe. 一座黄金的圣母像 I do not steal from churches. 我不偷教堂 The boys' orphanage has been donated silver candlesticks, 有人给孤儿院捐了一批银烛台 they would look very lovely in your home. 它们放在你家再合适不过了 I do not steal from orphans. 我也不偷孤儿院 What about Jack and Jill? 那雌雄杀手杰克吉尔怎么样 - Shh! Are you crazy? - The what? -嘘 你疯了吗 -雌雄什么 The murderous outlaws Jack and Jill 在逃杀的夫妻杀人犯杰克和吉尔 have gotten their hands on... magic beans. 他们手上有...魔豆 Do not joke with me a


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