
世纪商务英语翻译教程第四版课件unit 6.ppt

世纪商务英语翻译教程第四版课件unit 6.ppt

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6.8  Practice 7.比较每句后的两个译文,请从中选出更好的译文并简要说明理由。 (6) 非本公司员工禁止入内。 译文一:You are forbidden to come into the office if you are not the staff of the company. 译文二:Staff only! 译文一采用直译,虽能直接把意思充分表达出来,但未免有点太生硬,也有点太罗嗦,而译文二则采用反义正说的方式,非常简洁,也显得很有礼貌。 6.8  Practice 7.比较每句后的两个译文,请从中选出更好的译文并简要说明理由。 (7) 不许践踏草坪 译文一:Don’t tread on the grass. 译文二:Keep off the grass. 同(6)。 6.8  Practice 7.比较每句后的两个译文,请从中选出更好的译文并简要说明理由。 (8) 油漆未干。 译文一:Wet paint. 译文二:The paint is not dry. 采用反义正说的方法,非常直观、明了地表达了原文意思,而译文二才用直译 则显得平淡。 6.9  Classic Translation Apple Unveils iPad2 苹果iPad2揭开面纱   The iPad made the once unpopular tablet computer a worldwide success, and left Apple’s competitors scrambling to release their owns. The iPad2, officially announced today by Apple CEO Steve Jobs at a press conference in San Francisco, is unlikely to do the same.   iPad的问世让曾经不受欢迎的平板电脑风靡全球,也让苹果的竞争对手竞相推出它们自己的平板电脑。今天在旧金山的新闻发布会上,苹果CEO史蒂夫·乔布斯正式宣告苹果推出iPad2,但这代iPad2的问世就不可能产生同样的影响了。 6.9  Classic Translation   Apple’s dominance is clear. Watching the conference at the BBC’s Television Center in London, I was surrounded by journalists sporting Macbooks, iPhones and iPads, eager to hear about the latest iProduct. It turns out that the iPad 2 is a necessary update to secure Apple’s place as market leader, but if the original iPad didn’t grab you, its new, slimmer sibling probably won’t make you reach for your credit card.   苹果的主导地位显而易见。观看伦敦BBC电视中心的新闻发布会时,我周围挤满了玩弄苹果笔记本、iPhone 和 iPad 的记者们,他们都渴望听到关于苹果最新产品的情况。结果证明,iPad2作为iPad的升级换代品对于确保苹果市场老大的地位是十分必要的,但是如果iPad没能吸引你,那么它更薄更新的“兄弟版”可能也不会让你掏腰包了。 6.9  Classic Translation   It’s not that there aren’t some welcome new upgrades. The iPad 2has a faster processor, front and rear cameras and a gyroscope sensor, while still retaining the 10hour battery life of the original. A magnetic protective cover that both switches off and cleans the screen is also a neat idea, even if the Apple employee who demonstrated it to me struggled to actually attach the thing.   并不是其所有升级都不受欢迎。iPad2处理器速度更快,前后都有摄像头,还有一个陀螺仪传感器



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