计算机英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 苏兵 张淑荣 主编21Motherboard Installation1课件.ppt

计算机英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 苏兵 张淑荣 主编21Motherboard Installation1课件.ppt

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复习提问 请说出下列词汇的中文意思: Information Technology Personal Digital Assistant professional computer desktop computer expansion slots secondary storage hardware Unit Two Motherboard Installation Guide 化学工业出版社 教学环节 第一环节:英语对话 Buy a New Computer (二)——Introduce IT Production(介绍IT产品) 第二环节:课文(Motherboard Installation Guide)[重点] 步骤一:新词汇 [重点] 步骤二:课堂练习一 步骤三:通译课文(分析难句)[难点] 步骤四:课堂练习二 第三环节:复习巩固 第一环节:英语对话 【职业场景】 请你设想一下,对面这位外国顾客,你是如何成功地用英文介绍IT产品给他的呢? Introduce IT Production (S代表Seller销售员, C代表Customer顾客) S: Well, what plan for your new computer? I can help you list it. C: I have two require for it, Intel Core 2 duo and 17 inch LCD. S: No problem. Which brand LCD is your favorite? C: I like Samsung, and I need Intel CPU, dual cores E6800. S: Ok, how about the motherboard? C: Asus is my favorite S: And the memory? C: Kingston, 2G. S: Hard disk? C: I need a big capacity(容量) hard disk, 500G, do you have West Data? S: We have it. How about the other? Container, mouse, keyboard, DVD-Rom, and so on. C: I need your help. S: Ok. 第二环节:课 文 【导学新课】 根据导学图的提示或你自己的经验,这片主板是哪一家公司制造的? 导学图 步骤一:新词汇 [1]chassis [`??sis] n. 底盘;底板 [2]base [beis] n.底部;基地;基地 比较:basic (Visual Basic) basically[`beisik?li] adv.基本上 [3]mounting hole 安放孔 [`maunti?] [h?ul] [4]attach [?`t?t?] v.附加;配属 attachment [?`t?t?m?nt] n. 附件; 附加装置 形状相近的词:attack [?`t?k] [5]at the same time 同时 Eg: Yesterday we came back school at the same time. [6]prevent…from…阻止, 妨碍 Eg: Anti-virus software can prevent your computer from computer viruses. [7]short circuits 短路 [??:t] [`s?:kit] [8]stud [st?d] n.柱头螺栓 [9]spacer [`speis?] n.间隔条 space [speis] n. 空间; 间隔 [11]be unable to do sth.不能做什么 be able to do sth. 能做什么 Eg: We are able to use the new computer. [12]line up 整队,列起 [13]screw [skru:] n.螺丝钉 [14]insert [in`s?it] vt.插入;嵌入 [15]slide [slaid] v. (使)滑动 [16]position [p?`zi??n] n. 位置;职位;立场 v. 安置;决定…的位置 [17]align with与...成一行 [?`lain] [18]check [t?ek] v. 检查;核对 n. 支票 [19



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