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水妖的岛?T之天堂 语法笔记 / PAGE PAGE 1 TOEFL普林斯顿样题2语法笔记 编委:Maya Helium is _____ all gases to liquefy and is impossible to solidify at normal air pressure. more than difficult the most difficult of more difficult of most difficult Key: B 分析:考点是形容词最高级,考察句型 the most +adj. +of A(A中最…的一个),注意最高级前面要加定冠词the。 参考译文:氦气是所有气体中最难液化的,而且它在常压下是不可能固化的。 Every year Canadian ______ about 75 percent of their exports to the United States. businesses that sell selling businesses businesses sell that sell to businesses Key: C 分析:考点是主谓结构(句子基本结构),分析句子结构,句子缺主语中心词和谓语。 参考译文:每一年加拿大的企业把它75%的商品出口到美国。 An innovator, ballerina Augusta Maywood was ___ a traveling company. to form the first the first to form who formed the first forming the first Key: B 分析:考点是序数词结构,sb. be + the +序数词+ to do表示“某人是第几个做…的人”。 参考译文:作为一个芭蕾舞女演员,也是一个改革者,AM第一个成立旅游公司的人。 When water freezes in the cracks of rocks, _____ expands, causing the rocks to break apart. it but then and Key: A 分析:考点是主谓结构(句子基本结构),通过分析,句子缺少主语,选A,用it指代water。 参考译文:当水在岩石的裂缝里结冰时,它就膨胀,引起岩石分裂。 With x-ray microscopes scientists can see through live insects ___ even through solid pieces of metal. however nevertheless or yet Key: C 分析:考点是平行结构,考连接词。凡是由并列连词and, but, or等以及关联连词both…and, either…or, neither…nor, not only…but also等连接的部分必须对等。 参考译文:通过X射线显微镜,科学家能够透视活的昆虫或者是金属的固体块。 Dennis Chavez of New Mexico _____ to the House of Representatives in 1930 and to the Senate in 1938. when elected elected who was elected was elected Key: D 分析:考点是主谓结构(句子基本结构),分析句子的结构发现,句子缺谓语。“某人被选为…”中的动词elect要用被动语态。 参考译文:新墨西哥的DC在1930年被选为众议员,在1938年被选为参议员。 _______ are not leached out of soil, reclamation procedures are needed to restore the land’s productivity. For concentration of salt Salt concentrations that If salt concentrations With concentrations of salt Key: C 分析:考点是状语从句.逗号前后有两个分句,且前一个分句缺少主语,则空格处必须填上前一个分句的主语,又因为第二个分句前没有连接词,则第一个分句的空格处必须要有一个连接词。C中if引导条件状语从句。 参考译文:假若盐的集结物没有从土壤中滤去的话,就需要进行土壤改良的步骤,恢复土地的生产力。 ______ social crusade aroused Elizabeth Williams’ enthusiasm more than the e



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