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Kingdom of Thailand Daphy Angela chang Rose Thailand is one of the most important treavl countries in Asia.Her amazing tropical(热带的) senses and unique Buddhist(佛教的) cul ture attract tourists from all over the world. People named this beautiful Country “Coun try of buddhism”, “Country of elephents” a nd “Country of smile”. She is a magnificient (金碧辉煌的)place surround with beautiful temples and buddhist statues.   Thailand’s climate is tropicale monsoonal climate,the temperature is over 18℃ all around the year. Basic infromations of Thailand Chinese Name:泰王国 Taiguo English Name:Kingdom of Thailand Thailand Thai Continent:Asia Capital City:Bangkok BKK Main City:Ang Thong 红统府,Chiang Mai 清迈府 National Day:December 5th Official Language:Thai Language Currency:Thai Baht (THB) Polity:Constitutional Monarchy 君主立宪制 Country’s Leaders:KING BHUMIBOL ADULYADEJ ,Premier Apshi Population:65,000,000 Religion:Buddhism National Territory :513,115 million square kilometers Old name:siam Map of Thailand Located in southeast Aisa,faces Laos and Cambodia on the east,Thailand sea and Malaysia on the north ,Burma and Andaman on the west. History 1238年开始形成较为统一的国家。先后经历了素可泰王朝、大城王朝、吞武里王朝和曼谷王朝,原名暹罗,1652年(顺治九年)暹罗派遣使节到清朝进行朝贡,开始了两国的交往。19世纪,葡萄牙、荷兰、英国、法国等殖民主义者先后入侵。暹罗沦为了西方殖民国家的半殖民地,19世纪末,拉玛四世王开始实行对外开放。拉玛五世王借鉴西方经验进行社会改革。1932年6月,拉玛七世王时期,民党发动政变,改君主专制制为君主立宪制。1939年更名泰国,后经几次更改,1949年正式定名泰国。 Gerography and Treavel Perfect Seaside education The same with China,Thailand has the eduation system——nine-year compulsory education. There are a rank of her famous universities 1. Chulalongkorn University(朱拉隆功大学)   2. Thammasat University(法政大学)   3. Kasetsart University(农业大学)   4. Mahidol University(玛希隆大学)   5. Chiang Mai University(清迈大学)   6. Assumption University(ABAC易三仓) Thammasat University 法政大学 festivals Songkran fastival 宋干节 Also know as Thailand new year and water-sprinking festival . During 4.13—4.15 . Loy Krathong festival 水灯节 Time for young to fa


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