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六年级英语下册课文重点知识点复习 Unit1 Winter Activities 一、重点句型 1、 Did you go anywhere in winter? 你冬天去了哪里? Yes,I went to see my friend 我去看望了我的朋友 We listened to music together 我们一起听音乐 2、 Was it very cold there? 那里很冷吗? Yes, it’s cold and windy. 是的,那里又冷风又大。 3、 There was a big ice city. There were many people. 那是个大冰城,那里有很多人。 4、 How about you? 你呢? I traveled along the Yangtze River. 我沿着长江旅游 5、 I took a photo on my mobile. 我在我手机上拍了一张照片 Show me the photo, please. 请给我看照片 Look, here it is. 看,这就是。 6、 Look at the snowman. 看这个雪人 It ‘s short and fat. 它又矮又胖 7、 Look at that man 看这个男人 He’s tall and thin 他又高又瘦 8、 Show me the dress, please 请给我看下这条连衣裙 Which dress? 哪一条连衣裙 The long one 那长的一条 9、 Show me the skirt, please 请给我看下这条短裙 Which skirt? 哪一条短裙 The short one 那短的一条 10.Very often they get New Year ’s money from their parents. 经常,他们从父母那拿到压岁钱 11.They have a good time in winter vacation 他们度过了一个美好的寒假时光 二、重点短语 1、 go(went) to 去哪里 2、climb(climbed) mountain 爬山 3、travel(traveled) along 沿着。。旅游 4、 take(took) photo(s) 拍照 5、 listen(listened) to music 听音乐 6、go(went) back to 回到 7、have fun 获得快乐 8、make(made) a snowman 做一 个雪人 9、show.... 展示 10.play with sb 和。。一起玩耍 11.get money from sb 从某人那里拿到钱 12.have a good time 有一个欢乐时光 三、重点介词搭配 1. In winter 4.in the snow  在冬天 在雪中  2.on the lake 在湖上 5.on mobile 在手机上  3.along the Yangtze River 沿着长江 6.in January or February 在一月和二 月  7.with their parents  和他们的父母 Unit2 Helping Each Other 一、重点句型 1.How are you today? 你今天感觉怎么样? I feel better. 我感觉好多了 2.Here are some fruits for you 这里有一些水果给你 3.I’m worried about my lessons 我担心我的课程 Don ’tworry. I can help you with your English. 不要担心,我会帮你补习你的英语 4.What can we do to help other people? 我们能做些什么去帮助其他人呢? On the bus I can give my seat to old people. 在公交车上我可以把我的座位让给老人 5.Follow me, it is as easy as you can see. 跟着我,它就像你看到的那么简单 6.I know what to say when I hear this 我知道如何去说当我看到这个的时候 A:Wang Tao broke his leg 王涛摔断了他的腿 B:I ’m sorry to hear that 我很抱歉听到这个消息 7.Wang Tao didn’tcome to school today. 王涛今天没有来学校 He broke his leg 他摔断腿了 8.What can we


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