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变电所主变低压侧穿墙套管新型底板的 研制 周刚 车江蝶徐伟 胡海平王森 国网浙江省电力公司嘉兴供电公司 摘要: 随着我国经济社会高速发展,社会用电量逐年上升,变电所主变出力也随着用 电量的上升而增加,使得主变低压侧电流不断增大。进而使得主变低压侧穿墙套 管固定底板因电磁感应产生的涡流大大增加而产生发热的情况,温度甚至高达 150摄氏度,严重限制了主变的实际供电负荷,影响到了电网安全与主变出力, 危及电网设备和人员安全,并且造成了能源浪费。本文通过研制新型的低磁钢板, 将原先相对导磁铁质底板更换为相对导磁率1左右的低磁钢板, 消除了涡流,使得底板温度降至了环境温度。 关键词: 穿墙套管底板;电磁感应;温度; 作者简介: 作者简介:周刚(1966-), 男,高级技师,主要从事电力系统电气试验工作; 作者简介:车江蝶(1976-)男,高级工程师,主要从事电力系统变电运行、检 修管理工作; 作者简介:徐伟( 作者简介:徐伟(1978-) 修管理工作; 男,高级工程师,主要从事电力系统变电运行、检 作者简介:王森(1988-),男,硕士,工程师,研究方向为配电网规划、电力 系统及其自动化。 收稿日期:2017-01-16 基金:国家实用新型专利(专利号:zl:201420665946. 5) Development of New Floor of Substation Transformer Low Voltage Side Wall Bushing ZHOU Gang CHE Jiang-rong XU Wei HU Hai-ping WANG Sen State Grid Zhejiang Power Corporation Jiaxing Power Supply Company; Abstract: With the rapid economic and social development, social consumption increased year by year, along with the output of the main transformer in transformer substation with rising consumption increases, making the main transfonner low side current is increasing. Therefore, Eddy current in the floor of main transformer 1 ow vol tage side wal 1 bush ing genera ted due to clcctromognctic induction to generatc heat greatly increased, temperatures as high as 150 degrees Celsius, which severely limits the actual power load of the main transformer, affecting the output of the main transformer and grid security, endangering grid equipment and personnel safety, and caused a waste of energy. Through the development of new low-magnctic steel, the original iron platc of rclativc permeability of 5000 to replace the low permeability magnetic st eel sheet of relative permeability of about one, eliminating the vortex, so that the bottom temperature was lowered to ambient temperature. Keyword: wall bushing plate; clcctromagnctic induction; temperature; Received: 2017-01-16 1引言 “安全第一,预防为主”,这是电力系统永恒不变的主题,“一切为用户服 务”这是电力系统亘古不变的宗旨。近几年随着社会的高速发展,企业的工业用 电和居民用电直线上升,每年的夏天,特别在公司“迎峰度夏”其间,用户负 荷大增时,主变出力大,主变低压侧电流随之增大,加上夏季炙热酷暑的环境 温度,使得底板发热更是火上添油


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