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河南科技大学毕业设计(论文) PAGE 1 20辊森吉米尔轧机支承辊轴承设计与应用研究 摘 要 滚动轴承是将运转的轴与轴座之间的滑动摩擦变为滚动摩擦,从而减少摩擦损失的一种精密的机械元件。滚动轴承一般由外圈、内圈、滚动体和保持架组成。内圈的作用是与轴相配合并与轴一起旋转,外圈作用是与轴承座相配合,起支承作用。滚动体是借助于保持架均匀的将滚动体分布在内圈和外圈之间,其形状大小和数量直接影响着滚动轴承的使用性能和寿命,保持架能使滚动体均匀分布,防止滚动体脱落,引导滚动体旋转起润滑作用。 随着钢铁业突飞猛进的发展,20辊森吉米尔轧机由于具有轧制压下率高,轧制控制精度高以及高产量等优点在轧钢行业显现出其独特的优势,20辊森吉米尔轧机已广泛应用于冷轧行业尤其是不锈钢的冷轧行业,几乎承担了全世界96%的不锈钢生产,并广泛轧制硅钢和碳素钢以及各种有色金属。 轧机轴承作为轧机的重要零部件,能够提高轧机设备轧制水平,提高轧机稳定性,提高轧机产品质量,在轧制过过程中轧辊与所扎金属直接接触,其是轧机使金属产生塑性变形的主要部件。同时轧机轴承是整个轧机中易磨损的重要零部件,而且轧辊是由轧机轴承支承的,因此轧机轴承的质量和使用寿命直接关系到轧机的生产效率产品质量及生产成本。如何减少轧机轴承的磨损,提高轧机的工作效率,为企业创造更好的经济效益,这是摆在我们面前一个重要难题。因此,在轧辊轴承设计和实际应用中,设计与研究20辊森吉米尔轧机支承辊轴承具有重要的学术价值。 关键词:森吉米尔轧机,滚动轴承,设计,应用研究 装配图,加153893706 design and Applied Research of 20-roller Sendzimir mill backup roll bearing ABSTRACT Rolling bearing is a precision mechanical components, which turn the sliding friction between the operation of the shaft and the bearing block into rolling friction,and reducing the friction loss.Generally,Rolling bearing consist of outer ring, inner ring, roller and cage components.The role of inner ring is compatible with the shaft and rotating with the shaft,The role of bearing outer ring matched with bearing block is to play a supportive role.Roller is a uniform distribution between the inner and outer rings by means of the cage, the size and number of the roller directly impact on the performance and life of rolling bearings.Besides,the rolling element cage can prevent rollers off, guiding the rollors rotating and lubricate. With the rapid development of steel industry,20-roller Sendzimir rolling mills demonstrate its unique advantages with a high pressure rolling, rolling high control precision and high yield advantages in the steel rolling industry. It almost undertake ninety-six percent of the world stainless steel production, and is widely rolled silicon steel, carbon steel and various non-ferrous metals. Rolling mill bearings is important component,whicn can improve the level of rolling mill equipment


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