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PAGE xxxx大学本科生学年论文 中小企业知识型员工流失问题分析及对策 专业班级: 人力1101班 学生姓名: 王 颖 指导教师: 张楠 副教授 学 院: 经济与管理学院 2013年6月 摘 要 随着社会步入知识经济阶段,人才日益成为组织核心能力与竞争优势的源泉。而随着人才市场的逐步完善和健全,企业在吸引和利用人才方面获得了更大的自由度,但同时也遭遇了人才流失的威胁和挑战。 “人才是企业最重要的资本”,人才的流失不仅会增加企业的经营成本,造成企业资产的流失,而且还会给留下来的员工造成心理上的消极影响,特别是知识型员工的离职可能导致组织技术的外泄和发展的不稳定,而且可能会使竞争对手更加强大,给企业带来不可估量的损失。另外人才的频繁流失还会给一批人带来心理冲击,产生集体流失的潜在危险。 中小企业在国民经济中起着重要的作用,但人才流失问题已经严重影响了我国中小企业的生存与发展,因此针对人才流失的原因进行优化管理,从而达到标本兼治的目的。 所以本文针对这一问题,首先分析了知识型员工流失的原因,其次指出了人才流失对企业造成的严重影响,最后为企业如何进行对知识型人才的流失与管理提出了相应的对策和建议。 关键词:知识型员工 人才流失 对策 ABSTRACT As society into the stage of knowledge economy, talent has increasingly become the source of organizational core competence and competitive advantage. And with the talent market gradually improve and perfect, enterprise in attracting and using talents gained more freedom, but also suffered a brain drain of the threats and challenges. The developments of the state-owned small and medium-sized enterprises have been severely affected by the outflow of talents. Researches on internal reasons of the brain drain of SME s will help us to attract talents, make good use of talents, and promote the development of SME s. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze and research on the importance of talents of SME s as well as the current situation and causes of brain drain. This thesis also provides reasonable countermeasures on how to reduce the loss to the enterprises caused by brain drain and how to prevent brain drain. So aiming at this problem, firstly it analyses the reasons of the knowledge staff drains seriously, points out the brain drain to the severe impact of the enterprise, finally for the enterprise how to carry out the loss of talent management are proposed. Key words:  knowledge-based?Talent Loss of talent countermeasure 目 录 一、知识型员工的含义…………………………………………………………… 1 二、知识型员工对中小企业的重要性…………………………………………… 1 (一)知识型员工的特点………………………………………………………… 1 (二)知识型员工对中小企业的重要性………………………………………… 1 三、中小企业知识型员工流失的原因………………


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