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第5章 早期进化论 从17世纪到19世纪期间,社会思想界充斥着社会进步的论调,在法国尤其如此。启蒙思想家认为社会正往一个从没有过的时代前进,前景一片美妙。也就难怪,几乎所有的早期社会学家都在进化论的框架下发展他们的观点。他们都假定社会是分阶段前进的。对于大多数人来说,每一发展阶段都意味着人类的重大进步。表5-1勾画出了其中一些比较著名的分析模式。只有韦伯对这种进化论调持一定的怀疑态度;尽管他将理性一合理权威的扩散看做是现代社会的一个趋势,但他并不认为这种趋势是进步。可见,从一开始,社会学理论就借助进化阶段论将社会演进概念化了。 5 Early Evolutionary Theory Social thought from the 1700s to the nineteenth century was filled with visions of social progress. Particularly in France, Enlightenment thinkers viewed society as progressing to an ever better state of social organization.It should not be surprising, therefore;,that virtually all the early sociologists developed their ideas within an evolutionary framework,in which stages of societal development were postulated. For most, each stage of development also represented a marked movement in human progress.Table 5.1 summarizes some of the more prominent schemes. Only Max Weber appears to have hesitated in proclaiming the inexorable movement of society; yet,even he posited the spread of rational-legal authority as the trend for modern societies, but he clearly did not view this trend as progress. Thus, from its very beginnings sociological theory conceptualized the movement of societyt through evolutionary stages. 19世纪,就在进化阶段论在社会学中占据显要位置的时候,在自然科学界出现了另外一种进化论。这种新观点是为了解释地球上物种的多样性。林奈(Linnaean)的分类体系为物种的分类提供了一个框架;但更重要的是要解释物种多样性何以出现,以及物种扩散中的进化模式。最初,拉马克(Lamark )式的解释(也就是,已有的特性遗传给后代)占据了统治地位。但在19世纪中,新的解释出现了,而且还各不相同,集大成者则为华莱士(Alfred Wallaee )和达尔文(Charles Darwin),他们永久性地改变了学者看待进化的观点和视角。 At the same time that stage models of evolution were gaining prominence in sociology during the nineteenth century, alternative views of evolution were being developed in the natural sciences. These revolved around trying to account for the diversity of species to be found on the planet. The` Linnean classification system had provided a way to classify species; now the task was to explain the mechanisms by which the diversity of species was created and the patterns of evolution in the dis


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