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A Study of Image Actualization in Chinese Prose Translation form the perspective of Gestalt Psychology 试论散文英译意象再造 ——格式塔心理学视角 ABSTRACT Prose, alias works of beauty. It is one of the literary genres with the feature of “free form but focused spirit”, which possess an irreplaceable position in the Chinese literature, especially, under the background of the proper of cultural exchange. The study of prose translation is more worthwhile. Prose translation is actually the process of aesthetic actualization. It is worth studying that Aiming at finding a new perspective for translators, this thesis is going to take Zhang Peiji’s Selected Modern Chinese Prose Writings as an example, exploring image actualization in Chinese prose translation based on the perspective of Gestalt psychology. Gestalt psychology, as a new theory produced in modern times, is a new perspective. This thesis is going to explore its application to the image actualization in prose translation. Key words Prose translation; prose image; image actualization; Gestalt psychology: aesthetic experience 摘要 散文,又被称作美文,是一种“形散神不散”的文体,在中国文学上拥有不可替代的地位。特别是在当前文化交流繁荣的背景下,其英译更显得意义深远。散文翻译实质上就是一种审美再现活动。在散文英译中,将散文意象的特点体现出来并且能给读者以同样的审美感受是一个值得研究的问题。 因此笔者以张培基《英译中国现代散文选》为例,将意象再造作为论文研究的主题,并以格式塔意象理论为研究基础。格式塔心理学理论作为近代才产生的一种理论,将这种理论应用到散文英译中的意象再造,是一个全新的视角。在这篇论文中,将探讨该理论对散文英译的意象再造的启发。 关键词 散文翻译;散文意象;意象再造;格式塔心理学;审美体验 Contents 1.Introduction Motivation for Choosing this Topic Purpose of the Study Methodology Applied in the Thesis Structure of the Thesis 2. Literature Review 2.1 Studies of Translation from the Perspective of Gestalt psychology 2.2 Studies of Translation from the Perspective of Aesthetic 2.3 Studies of Image Actualization 3. Image of prose and Gestalt psychology 3.1 Gestalt Theory and Laws of Gestalt 3.1.1 Law of Integrity 3.1.2 Law of Closur 3.1.3 Law of Simplicity 3.2 Image of Prose 4 Image Actualization in Chinese Prose Translation by Applying Gestalt psychology 4.1 Application of Law of Int


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