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PAGE 17 101年度經國管理暨健康學院補助教師校內研究 計畫申請書 計畫名稱:發酵麵種法對土司麵包質地及風味的影響 The influence of Pate fermentee dough addition on bread’s quality and flavor 申請科系:食品保健系 教師姓名:胡淑慧 職稱:講師 日期:101.3.19. 發酵麵種法對土司麵包質地及風味的影響 中文摘要 本研究添加不同比例之發酵麵種(0%、10%、20%、30%、40%)製作土司,結果如下: 1.成品體積:添加發酵麵種,以40%之添加量者,成品體積最大;添加麵種比例20%者,成品體積最小。 2.發酵體積:添加40%麵種之30~120分鐘之發酵、產氣速度最快,且150~270分鐘均持續發酵產氣,顯見其發酵耐力、持續力均佳,只要在製作過程掌握時間,讓麵糰於270分鐘(4.5小時)前能進入烤爐烘烤,能得最大體積。 3.物性:添加40% 發酵麵種者,土司硬度最小,彈性最佳,黏聚性最大、最具咬感、不易被咬斷,咀嚼性最小、最易被吞下。添加20% 麵種者,土司硬度最大,黏聚性最小、易被咬斷,其被咀嚼至可吞下所需的力最多,不易吞下。 4.水分含量:添加不同麵種比例,土司之水分含量並沒有差異。 5.麵包揮發性化合物之萃取共出現14種風味物質;5種不同添加比例發酵麵種之麵包其揮發性化合物並無不同。 關鍵詞:麵包製作、發酵麵種法、土司 英文摘要 This study evaluated the effects of Pate fermentee addition (0%、10%, 20%, 30%, 40%), on the dough mixing characteristics and the quality and flavor of toast. The resulrs: 1. bread loaf volume : to add 40% Pate fermentee dough, it makes bread loaf volume the maximum. To add 20% Pate fermentee dough, the bread loaf volume is minimum. 2. Fermentation volume: when the dough ferments 30~120 mins , to add 40% Pate fermentee dough it ferment the most fastest , until 150~270 mins. If you can bake the dough before it ferment 270 mins, the bread loaf volume will keep the maximum. 3. Texture profile analysis : the results shows that the dough with 40% Pate fermentee dough addition had the lowest hardness, the greatest springiness, the highest cohesiveness, the smallest chewiness. 4. Moisture content (%):Pate fermentee dough addition has no significant effect. 5. Volatile compounds contents of bread made by Pate fermentee addition (0%、10%, 20%, 30%, 40%), which were analyzed with a purge-and-trap gas chromatography /mass-spectrometry (GC /MS) technique. Fourteen aromas were identified. The volatile compounds of five type bread were not different. Key words : bread making、Pate fermentee 一、研究背景及動機 致力於麵包製作是我的理想,它是一門十分複雜的學問,國內外不斷研究此學門,其因發酵過程的變化萬千,致使可探索的主題實在太多。時值參加101年2月6~10日中華穀類食品工業技術研究所養生麵包天然酵母培養之研習,特將所學、心得透過校內計畫之申請實踐之。 發酵麵種法通常使用


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