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* * born adj. 1. 天生的,生来就有的 be born (to be) 她是位天生的诗人。 2. be born to do 注定,(适合于) 他生来注定会成功。 3. be born to/of 出身于 他出生于一个农民家庭。 She was born a poet. He was born to succeed. He was born to/of a farmer. What to learn? Read the text and get some information of the three philosophers. Learn the principles of three famous ancient philosophers. Learn to describe a person. Express your opinions of philosophy. Please tell whose ideas the statements are: 1.Man is born good. 2.All human beings are equal. 3.The family is important. We are members of a group. 4.Treat others in the way you want to be treated. 5.People are more important than rulers. Mencius Mozi Confucius Confucius Mencius 人性本善 人无长幼贵贱(众生平等) 家国天下,修齐治平(治国必先齐家 ) 己所不欲,勿施于人。 民为贵,君为轻。(民贵君轻) 8.Strong people should look after weaker people. 9.People should avoid wars. 10.Students should often go over what they have learnt. Mozi Confucius Mozi 6.We should love all human beings. 7.The order in society is important. Mozi Confucius 兼爱 社会秩序(三纲五常) 力强当养力弱 非攻 学而时习之,不亦说乎。 stress: give a lot of importance to resign: tell your employer that you are going to leave your job adviser: someone who gives advice influential: having a lot of influence principle: an idea that influences the way you behave philosopher: A person who lives and thinks according to a particular philosophy. New Words Fast Reading Choose the correct answers. 1. What’s the purpose of the author to write this passage? A. The author wants to make people believe in the teachings by thinkers of ancient. B. The author wants to introduce three influential philosophers of ancient China. C. The author wants to tell interesting stories about three important teachers in ancient China. D. The author wants to show the history of philosophy in ancient China. 2.Confucius stressed the importance of the following aspects except _______. A. kindness B. friendship C. order D. duty 3. “If the government was kind, then people would be


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