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学院小区3#单位工程施工组织设计 院 系:城市建设学院 专 业 班:建筑工程技术1103班 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 2014年 5月 学院小区3#单位工程施工组织设计 School district # 3 unit project construction design PAGE PAGE 摘 要 施工组织设计是建筑施工组织的核心和灵魂,是对工程建设项目全过程的构思设想和具体安排,用来指导施工项目全过程各项活动的技术、经济和组织的综合性文件。本施工组织设计是针对学院小区3#单位工程施工的纲领性文件。以3#楼为研究对象,深入实践,理论联系实际,查阅相关资料,针对本工程自身特点,制定出专项施工方案和相应的施工组织设计及施工现场布置。本施工组织设计阐述了施工过程中常见问题及解决办法,文中所述的施工工艺及技术措施能较好的指导施工,科学的对工程进行施工段的划分,使各分部分项工程质量、进度及成本得到有效控制,能保证各阶段施工有序进行。 关键字:施工组织设计 施工现场平面布置 施工段划分 进度计划 Abstract Construction organization design is the core and soul of construction organizations, and is the whole process of engineering construction projects and the specific arrangements envisaged in the concept, used to guide the construction of the project activities of the whole process of technical, economic and organizational comprehensive document. This construction organization design is a guiding document for the 3# building at community.Take 3# buildings as a research object,with thorough practice, link theory with practice and access relevant information, according to the characteristics of the project, make a special construction schemes and the corresponding construction organization design. This construction organization design expatiated the common problems and the solving methods in construction process, the construction technology and technical measures in this paper will better to guide construction,and made each division component project’s quality, schedule and cost to be controled effectively, also can guarantee the stage construction in an orderly way. Key words:construction organization design construction scheme quality schedule 目 录 TOC \o 1-4 \h \u 29476 摘 要 I 14447 Abstract II 25591 1 工程概况 1 2578 1.1建筑物概况 1 3290 1.2建筑设计概况 1 6053 1.3结构设计概况 1 9868 1.4地质及环境条件 1 29166 1.5工期开工日期 1 21942 1.6施工技术经济条件 1 3585 2 施工部署 2 23012 2.1工程管理目标 2 30946 2.1.1 工程工期目标 2 12583 2.1.2工程管理质量


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