【同步练习】Unit 5 Lesson 14(北师大).docx

【同步练习】Unit 5 Lesson 14(北师大).docx

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北京师范大学出版社 九年级(全册) 畅言教育 用心用情 服务教育 Unit 5 Literature Lesson 14 The Dark Room 同步练习 单项选择 单项选择 ( ) 1. --- Is the girl ? is interviewing the manager of that company your friend? --- Yes, she is a journalist from CCTV. A. whom B. which C. who D. whose ( ) 2. So far, we have ?56,000 yuan for children in poor schools. A. raised B. risen C. spend D. took ( ) 3. Dont throw away pens and erasers ? you havent used up. A. where B. which C. who D. what ( ) 4. Ive made up my mind ? the people in Sichuan. A. helping B. to help C. for helping D. helped ( ) 5. Robert is just one young overseas Chinese ? has come to visit his ancestors homeland. A. who B. where C. when D. which 单词拼写 单词拼写 1. Lucy is a l ? girl. We all like her. 2. Look! This is his car. He must be very r ?(富有的). 3. We enjoyed o ? on the beach yesterday. 4. How do you want to c ? your grandmothers sixtieth birthday? 5. Its very cold outside. Youd better wear a t ? coat. 翻译填空 翻译填空 1. 我们上个星期天过得愉快。(词数不限) We ? last Sunday. 2. 她喜欢能演奏不同类型音乐的音乐家。 She likes musicians ? ? different kinds of music. 3. 孩子们的疾病和不健康的食物有关。 The childrens illness ? ? ? unhealthy food. 4. 从前,有一个叫花木兰的女孩。 ? ? ? ?, there was a girl called Hua Mulan. 5. 这是我曾经工作过的那个村子。(仅限3词) This is ? I ever worked in. 阅读与表达 阅读与表达 I love to write! Even since I was a little girl, I wrote stories on my notebooks and on little scrips of paper. I told stories to my friends. As a grown-up, I have written over 100 books! Thats a lot! As a teacher, its my goal to encourage all of my students to love to write. Writing is easy if youre careful enough, I told them. Everyone I meet is a possible character. Everything I see or I do is a possible scene in a book.


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