【同步练习】Unit 3 Lesson 13 (冀教版).doc

【同步练习】Unit 3 Lesson 13 (冀教版).doc

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河北教育出版社 五年级(下册) 畅言教育 用心用情 服务教育 Unit 3 Lesson 13 Lets Buy Postcards 同步练习 选词填空题 选词填空题 1. How much ________ (is; are) this book? 2. This is ________ (an; a) email from Tom. 3. I want ________ (send; to send) a postcard to my friend. 4. This postcard ________ (has; have) a panda on it. 5. You can write a letter on ________ (paper; a paper). 补全下列单词 补全下列单词 ( ) 1. l_tter A. a B. e ( ) 2. c_mp_ter A. o; u B. u; u ( ) 3. p_stcard A. o B. u ( ) 4. _mail A. i B. e ( ) 5. s_nd A. a B. e 判断题 判断题 ( ) 1. We write an email on a computer. ( ) 2. We write a letter on a book. ( ) 3. You can buy some postcards in a restaurant. ( ) 4. We can buy postcards in a hospital. 连线题 连线题 (1) How much is this postcard? A. In a shop. (2) Where can you buy any postcards? B. Sure! (3) What does a postcard have? C. It is a letter. (4) May I look at this postcard? D. It’s one yuan. (5) What is this? E. It has a picture on it. 排序题 排序题 A. I don’t like it. May I see that postcard, please? B. How much is this postcard? C. Yes, I want to buy some postcards. D. Can I help you? E. Sure. F. It’s two yuan. G. I’ll take six, please. H. How about this one? 正确顺序为:_________________ 参考答案 选词填空题 选词填空题 is 考查不可数名词。How much引导不可数名词,用is;。 an 考查元音。 to send 考查want to do sth。 has 考查单数形式。 a paper 考查可数名词。a lette对应a paper。 补全下列单词 补全下列单词 B letter 信件 A computer 计算机 A postcard 明信片 B email 电子邮件 B send 发送 判断题 判断题 1. √ We write an email on a computer. 我们可以在电脑上写邮件。 2. × We write a letter on a book. 我们可以在书上写信。 3. × You can buy some postcards in a restaurant. 你可以在饭店买明信片。 4. × We can buy postcards in a hospital. 我们可以在旅店买明信片。 连线题 连线题 D How much is this postcard? It’s one yuan. 这张明信片多少钱?一元钱。 A Where can you buy any postcards? In a shop. 你在哪里可以买到明信片?在商店里。 E What does a postcard have? It has a picture on it. 明信片有什么?上面有一张照片。 B May I look at this postcard? Sure! 我可以看这张明信片吗?当然! 5. C What is this? It is a letter. 这是什么?这是一封信。 排序题 排


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