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Unit 10 Numbers in our lives 一、单元要点 1.知识概述 (1)学习英语数字的读音及使用形式; (2)学习字母组合all在单词中发 的音; (3)学习几个新句型和提问题的方式。 2.单元重点词汇 3.交际用语 (1)These are the numbers we often use in our lives. (2)Have you ever read this book?    What’s it about? (3)There are a lot of toys. (4)Where is the wall?    It’s in Beihai Park. (5)What’s this for?   It’s for our Olympic Games. (6)How many children can you see?   playing on the see-saw smelling the flowers  shining talking? riding a bike   painting a picture? catching a butterfly 二、单元学习 1. 复 习 reading a book   kicking a ball listening to music having lunch? taking a photo bouncing a ball park   kite plane? colour (2) Sentences: (1)It’s a nice day, isn’t it? (2)Look! Lots of children are playing in the park. (3)They are smelling the flowers. (4)Let’s go and join them. (5)Good idea! Let’s go. (3) Pronunciation: ①字母组合ou在单词中发 的音,发 时,口型由大到小,舌位比较低,嘴收圆,舌后部微微抬高,由 向 滑动。 2.重难点知识讲解 ①Words and expressions: ②Sentences: These are the numbers we often use in our lives. 这些是我们在生活中经常用的数字。 Your numbers: Tel. No.(电话号码)_______    Room No.(房间号码) ________ Birth Date(出生日期) ________   Class No.(班级号码) ________ Lucky number 幸运数字        Car number 车牌号 Flat number 公寓号         Page number 页码 Mobile phone number 手机号     Street number 街道号 Fax number 传真号 119 double one nine 火警      120 one two zero 紧急医护 110 double one zero 匪警      114 double one four 号码百事通 650415 six five zero four one five one three three three one zero six five four one zero 1223553020  one double two three double five three zero two zero BK4536  B K four five three six (2)Study Pronunciation: ①字母组合all在单词中发 的音,发 时先双唇收得小而圆,略微向前突出,舌身往后缩,发 ,后舌尖抵住上齿,舌尖轻轻用力弯曲,气流从舌头旁边出,发 。 all ??? ball?hall a ball?in the hall mall?ball go to the mall?to buy a ball (3)Look, read, ask and answer. Have you ever read“The Three Little Pigs”? What’s it about? It’s about three little pigs. Have you ever read“Goldilocks and the Three Bears”? 你读过《谷蒂劳柯和三只小熊》吗? Have yo


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