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Unit 8 Our colour fair 一、单元要点 1.知识概述 (1)复习和巩固英语中表示颜色的单词; (2)学会说一些歌谣和相关歌曲; (3)初步了解某些颜色是如何调出来的; (4)学习字母组合ai的读音。 2.单元重点词汇 3.交际用语 (1)Which coloured parrot do you like? 你喜欢哪种颜色的鹦鹉? Which coloured balloon do you like? 你喜欢哪种颜色的气球? (2)Which colour do you want to see? 你想看哪种颜色? Yellow, please. 黄色的,请。 (3)Is your apple red? 你的苹果是红色的吗? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t. 是的,它是。/不,它不是的。 二、单元学习 1.复习 (2)Sentences: This reading-room is very nice. 这间阅览室非常好。 I come here every day. 我每天来这儿。 Is it OK to say this? 说这好吗? Pardon? What did you say? 抱歉?你说什么? What books do you like reading? 你喜欢阅读什么书? Which book would you like to read? 你想要读什么书? I’d like to read a book on animals. 我想要读一本关于动物的书。 2.重难点知识讲解 ①Words and expressions: ② Which coloured balloon do you want? 你想要哪种颜色的气球? Yellow./Green./Purple./Orange./Brown./Blue./Red… ③ ④ 译文: 你喜欢哪种颜色的鹦鹉? 我喜欢这种蓝色的鹦鹉! ⑤ 译文: 你想看哪种颜色? 红色的! (2)Study pronunciation: ①字母组合ai在单词中发 的音,发 时,口型由半开到全音,前重后轻,由 向 滑动,和字母a的发音相同。 ai paint   rainbow paint a rainbow pain    gain No pains, no gains. (3)Say it and do it. A colour mixing activity. Yellow and blue is green. 黄色加蓝色变成绿色。 Blue and red is purple. 蓝色加红色变成紫色。 White and red is pink. 白色加红色变成粉色。 (4)Listen, point and sing. (5)Colour them. (6)Lets talk and play. Yes or No. Lemons are yellow. The grapes are purple. The tomatoes are red. The orange is orange. The flowers are white. The bird is brown and white. The sun is red. The horse is brown. The monkey is brown. The moon is orange and black. The mouse is purple. The sheep is white. The pencil is brown. The pen is red. The duck is white. The bee is yellow and black. The pig is orange. The goat is white. (7)Ask and tick. (8)Crossword. (9)Colour and find out. A:Is your apple red? B:Yes, it is. A:Is your pear red, too? B:No, it isn’t. It’s yellow. A:Is your banana yellow? B:Yes, it is. A:Is your table yellow, too? B:No, it isn’t. It’s brown. A:Is the sun brown? B:No, it isn’t. It’s orange. A:Is the bird orange, too? B:No, it isn’t. It’s black. A:Is the


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