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Unit 5 Let’s play with letters! 一、单元要点 1.知识概述 (1)进一步熟悉字母的写法; (2)熟悉字母的分类,并能正确地说出每个字母的读音; (3)能根据字母说出相应的单词并能说出句子; (4)学习字母组合ir在单词中的发音 。 2 单 元 重 点 词 汇 3.交际用语 (1)Please look carefully and write their names in the boxes.    请仔细观察,把它们的名字写在盒子里。 (2)I can write“T”.    我能写“T”。 (3)You want it. You say it and then you get it.    你要它,你说它然后你就能得到它。 (4)Aa is for an apple.    Aa代表一个苹果。 二、单元学习 What’s he/ she/ it doing? 他/她/它在做什么? He/ She/ It is+v.-ing… 他/她/它在做…… I’m sorry. I’m late. 对不起,我迟到了。 That’s OK. Don’t be late next time. 没关系,下次别再迟到了。 Excuse me, what’s the English for...? 打扰一下,……的英语怎么说? What’s the Chinese for…? ……的汉语怎么说? (3)Pronunciation: 字母组合er在单词中发 的音,发 时嘴唇微微张开,舌头自然放松,舌中部微微隆起。 2.重难点知识讲解 All the letters are dressed up. 所有的字母都装扮起来了。 Please look carefully and write their names in the boxes. 请仔细观察,把他们的名字写在盒子里。 ②26个字母按所含元音音素分类: I can write“T”. 我能写“T”。 Gg is for a girl.      Hh is for a hat. Ii is for an ice cream.   Jj is for a jacket. Kk is for a kite.      Ll is for a leg. Mm is for a mat.       Nn is for a nose. Oo is for an orange.     Pp is for a park. Qq is for a question.    Rr is for a robot. Ss is for a spider.     Tt is for a tail. Uu is for an umbrella.    Vv is for a vest. Ww is for a watermelon.   Xx is for a Xylophone. Yy is for yellow.      Zz is for a zoo. (2)Study pronunciation: ①字母组合ir在重读音节中发 的音,发 时嘴型扁平,上下齿微微张开,舌身放平,舌中部微微抬起。 ir dirty shirt a dirty shirt girl skirt The girl is wearing a skirt. ②Look, listen, point and say. ③Tongue twisters. 先生,穿着脏裙子的女孩不是第一,是第三。 (3)Look, act, say and match. Interesting letters! 英语中有几个字母本身的读音就是一个单词。 e.g.A是a;B是bee; C是see,sea,G是Gee! I是I;N是En; O是Oh;P是pea; R是Ah;T是tea; U是you;TV是TV; Y是why。 答案:①C ②D ③A ④B 许多缩写字母都能表达具体的事情或东西及团体。 e.g.BTV、BBC、VOA、MTV、CD、VCD、AM、PM、WC、UN、USA、PRC… (4)Match the right sound. 答案: (5) Alphabet actions. e.g.act like a cat; bend your body. clap your hands; drink water; eat a cake. fly like a bird; hide and seek; iron a shirt; jump with our feet; kick a ball; list


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