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Stand up. Sit down. Look up. Bend down. Look right. Look left. Put your arms up. Put your arms down. Put your hands on your head. Put your hands behind your back. Stand on your left leg. Cross your arms Stand up Look right Look left Look up 向右看 向左看 站立 向上看 Put your hands on your head 把你的双手放在头上 Stand on your left leg 用左腿站立 Sit down 坐下 Put your hands behind your back 双手背后 Bend down 弯腰 Cross your arms 双臂交叉 Put your arms down 双臂向下 Put your arms up 双臂举起 (7)Read, say and win. Who can say all the words and go all the way up? 谁可以说出所有的单词并且爬上去? (9)Colour and say them. (10)Listen and write. 答案:   zoo, shop, farm, park, school, bookshop, bus stop, sea 三、单元小结 2.Sentences: (1)What are house animals?    什么是家禽? (2)What are farm animals?    什么是农场里养的动物? (3)What are zoo animals?    什么是动物园里的动物? (4)You can find out about water in book 6, under w.    你可以在书的第六册w下面找到水。 (5)Who can say all the words and go all the way up?    谁可以说出所有的单词并且爬上去? 3.Pronunciation: 字母组合ea发长音 ,发 时嘴唇微微张开,舌尖抵下齿。 中小学教育教学资源打包下载 / tree flower rose lily tulip grass names Lily Lucy Alex Mike Amy Jim John Mary Julia body numbers count family family member grandfather grandmother father mother aunt uncle sister brother daughter son niece nephew time 时间表达 7:00 8:30 9:45 11:15 colours red green blue purple black white brown


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