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One fruit stands for a number. 一种水果代表一个数字。 All the numbers are between 1 and 6. 所有的数字在1到6之间。 Add the numbers together. 把所有的数字加在一起。 The total number is at the ends of the lines and columns. 总数在每条直栏和竖线末尾。 orange=1   apple=3   grapes=2 banana=4   pear=5    pineapple=6 (7)Let’s chant and sing. Apples, pears, lemons and mangoes, peaches, grapes, oranges and coconuts. They are all fruits. They are all fruits. Chicken, rice, cakes and bread, burgers, potatoes, pizzas and sausages. They are all food. They are all food. They are all fruits. 他们都是水果。 They are all food. 他们都是食物。 (8)Look and write. 答案:   bat, fan, cap, bag, cat, mat, mouse, egg. (9)Listen and write. 答案:   rice, fish, bread, chicken, burger, egg, cake, chips, ice cream, sausage. 三、单元小结 menu 菜单 rice 米饭  bread 面包 burger 汉堡 cake 蛋糕 fish鱼肉 chicken 鸡肉 egg 鸡蛋 chips/ fries 薯条 2.Sentences: (1)What would you like? 请问您想要点什么? I’d like… 我想要…… Can I have two burgers, please? 我能买两个汉堡吗? (2)Do you often…? 你经常做……吗? Yes, I do. 是的,我经常。 Not often, but sometimes. 不常常,有时候。 No, never. 不,从不。 3.Pronunciation: ①字母组合ar在单词中发 的音,发 时口腔打开,嘴张大,舌尖抵下齿,下巴收低。 中小学教育教学资源打包下载 / Unit 3 Lunch in the garden 一、单元要点 1.知识概述 (1)复习和学习有关食物的名称; (2)能简单谈论食品的价格; (3)能初步了解哪些食物有益健康; (4)学会一些副词的基本表达方式; (5)学习字母组合ar在单词中发 的音。 2.单元重点词汇 3.交际用语 (1)What would you like, sir? 先生,请问您想要点什么? Can I have two burgers, please? 我能买两个汉堡吗? (2)Let’s buy five chips…, OK? 我们买五份薯条好吗? No problem! 没问题。 (3)Can I have some apples and pears? 我能要一些苹果和梨吗? (4)Come on! I’m hungry now. 快点!我现在饿了。 Help yourself, please! 请自便! (5)It’s my favourite. 这是我最喜欢的。 (6)Any ideas? 还有什么意见吗? 二、单元学习 1.复习 (2)Sentences: What are house animals? 什么是家禽? What are farm animals? 什么是农场里养的动物? What are zoo animals? 什么是动物园里的动物? You can find out about water in book 6, under w. 你可以在书的第六册w下面找到水。 Who can say all the words and go all the way up? 谁可以说出所有的单词并且爬上去? (3)Pronunciation: 字母组合ea发长音 ,发 时嘴唇微微张开,舌尖抵下齿。 2.重难点知识讲解 ①Words and expressions: menu 菜单 rice 米饭  bread 面包 burger 汉堡 cake 蛋糕 fi


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