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中小学教育教学资源打包下载 / “单词工厂”乐趣多 ①Words and expressions: 1,2,3,4,… Bee:How happy I am! I’ve got a name.    多高兴啊!我有一个名字啦! Plane:Which is my name?     哪一个是我的名字? Bird:Just a minute. It’s ready.    稍等一会,准备好了! Worker:Oh, another bad name.     噢!又一个错误名! Same family word. This way, please. 同一家庭单词,请往这边走。 元音字母a的闭音节单词: apple,bat,had,pan,sat,add,cab,jam,pat,tag,cap,ant, cat,man,ran,dad,map,bag,bad,hat,sad,nap,flag,mat 元音字母e的闭音节单词: hen,leg,red,yes,Ted,ten,pen,pet,desk,net,let,set, met,end,fed,west,Ben,bed 元音字母o的闭音节单词: log,box,fog,hot,mop,hop,dog 元音字母u的闭音节单词: bus,fun,cut,cup,run,sun,hug,rub,bun,but 元音字母i的闭音节单词: nib,pin,pit,lip,lid,six,hit,zip,kit This way, please. 请往这边走! Meet your new friends! 会会你的新朋友! This is my favourite word game! 这是我最喜欢的单词游戏! There is a word game book for you! 有一本单词游戏书给你! We sound the same. 我们听起来发一样的音。 Can we be friend? 我们能成为朋友吗? Yes, We’re in the same family. 是的,我们是在同一家庭。 发音相似的有: big,pig;fox,box;hat,bat;red,bed 反义词的有: sad—happy;left—right;hot—cold; clean—dirty;yes—no 种类相同的有: five,four;pink,blue,red;bed,chair;lemon,pear Oh! How happy I am! I’ve got a name. 我好开心啊,我有了一个名字。 Hi, Which is my name? Just a minute, it’s ready. Oh, another bad name! Hey, please wait! We sound the same! 嗨,哪个是我的名字? 只一分钟,它准备好了。 噢,又一个坏掉的名字。 嘿,请等一等,我们听起来是一样的! minute 分钟 ready 准备 another 又一个 bad 坏的 sound 听起来 Well, a little bit .But not the same. Hello, I’m your friend. Yes, we’re friends. Can we be friends? Yes, we’re in the same family. bit 一点 same 一样的 family 家庭 Same family word. This way, please! a,e,I,o,u. This way, please! Meet your new friends! This is a word game book for you! Thank you! meet 见面 字母组合or在重读音节中发/?: / 的音,发 /?: /时双唇收得小而圆,向前突出,舌身往后缩。 ②Listen, look, point and say. ④Spell the words: born,corn,form,norm,ford,lord,pork,porter,sort,short (3)Listen, write and say. 答案:1)corns  2)fork  3)torch  4)porter (4)Lets chant and sing. 译文: 单词,单词,我们来造单词。 大单词,小单词,长单词和短单词。 新单词,旧单词,有趣味的和令人厌烦的单词。 单词,单词,我们来造单词。 (5)Spell and check. Make a new word. dog dot nob nod not pod pom pot hob hod hog



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