【同步练习】Unit 8 Lesson 2(北师大).docx

【同步练习】Unit 8 Lesson 2(北师大).docx

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北京师范大学出版社 (必修三) 畅言教育 用心用情 服务教育 Unit 8 ADVENTURE Lesson 2 Extreme Sports 同步练习 选择题 选择题 1.______ let her brother continue his study, she had to leave school and do manual work in the town. A. So as to B. In order to C. In order that D. So that 2. She shut he window _______ she might keep the insects out. A. in order to B. so as to C. in order that D. in order 3. He risked _______ so as to get the important information from the enemy. A. arresting B. being arrested C. to be arrested D. to arrest 4. He was not equipped ______ enough ability for the job. A. with B. in C. on D. of 5._____ the new _____of our library arrived? A. Have…equipments B. Has… equipment C. Has…equipments D. Have…equipment 单词拼写 单词拼写 1.Instead of simply trying to defeat the other team or set a new record, many e_______ sports are about beauty, harmony and trills. 2.The words “g_______” and “gym” come from the Greek language, for it was in Greece that Olympic competition started. 3.There is a s_______ between the sisters. 4.It is e_______ four o’clock, not one minute more nor one minute less. 5.He r______ his life to save the boy who fell into the water. 短语归纳 短语归纳 1.蹦极运动 2. 冰下潜水 3. 空中冲浪滑翔(运动) 4. 动力雪橇滑降 5. 为了(某一目的) 6. 出现,到场 7. 决定不履行(允诺的事) 8. 使理解(某事) 9. 参加,从事 10. 喜欢 完成句子 完成句子 1.过一会儿我把你们的饮料端来,然后你们可以点菜。 I’ll be back in a minute with your drinks and then I can________________________. 2.啊,天啊!我从来没见过我们队打得这么好。 Oh, ________________!I’ve never seen our team play so well. 3.众所周知,通晓多门语言不是件容易的事。 _______________________________ a knowledge of many languages is not a piece of cake. 4.你介意告诉我你的电话号码和邮箱地址吗? ________________________________ me your telephone number and e-mail address? 5.我的确听说他大学毕业之后要留在我们国家。 ______________________ he would stay in our country after he graduated from college. 参考答案 选择题 选择题 1. B 本题考察词组in o


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