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PAGE PAGE 5 自助调压山地自行车设计 摘 要 近年来,我国城市交通运输车数量激增,面临着巨大的压力,为人民的出行带来极大的不便。因此很多交通方便的专家为了解决上述难题,提出使用自行车代替平常使用的汽车既可以节省能源保护环境,又可以解决交通阻塞的难题,同时可以是一个强大的体质和身体和精神的乐趣,自行车运动方兴未艾。这就迫使我们对自行车的研究更深入了,比如本篇设计中要涉及到的轮胎自助调压系统,此设计针对骑行者在不同路段,如坑洼泥泞的小路、碎石滚滚的山路所需低气压会在20mpa和平坦顺畅的公路所需高气压40~60mpa之间的气压要求,骑行者可以根据需要而自主的对车胎气压进行调节。 本设计将利用SolidWorks、CAD等软件根据任务书所给的条件对山地自行车进行结构设计。研究设计山地自行车整体的车架、调速器的结构、传动系统的结构、避震系统的结构还有车胎的自助调节系统。其中车胎自助调压的方法是轮胎连接或安装有一起运转的轮胎储气源和自主调压机构,当需要低气压就通过遥控装置进行遥控将车胎中的气压调节到储气源中,相反当需要高气压就将储气源中的气压调节到储气源中,该方法解决了轮胎实时调压的难题,将为行车安全带来难以估量的好处和社会效益;储气源和调压机构都连接或安装在运转的轮胎上,可在轮胎运转工作中及时调整轮胎内压,适应不同的路况;整套装置结构合理,便于安装,值得推广应用。 关键字:山地自行车;车架设计;调压机构 ABSTRACT In recent years, the surge in the number of motor vehicles in China's urban transport system is facing tremendous pressure, the whole society faces many contradictions. To promote the use of bicycle as a means of transport can be regarded as alleviate the contradiction of a method, and economic development makes urban and rural residents quality of life for the pursuit of higher, both can be a strong physique and physical and mental pleasure of bicycle exercise in the ascendant. This forces us on the bike on the research more in-depth, such as this design involves a tire self pressure regulating system, the design for the rider in different sections, such as a muddy, pot holed roads, rolling stone of the mountain road to required low pressure 20MPa and flat smooth highway in required pressure between the high pressure 40~60mpa and rider can according to need and independent of tire pressure adjustment. This design will use SolidWorks, CAD and other software according to the task book to the conditions of the mountain bike structure design. Study of mountain bike design overall frame, the governor's structure, the transmission system structure, the suspension system structure and tire self regulating system. The tire pressure of the tire is self-help connection or installation of pressure gas source together with the operation mechanism of tire and


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