七年级英语上册 Module 8 Choosing presents课后作业课件 外研版.ppt

七年级英语上册 Module 8 Choosing presents课后作业课件 外研版.ppt

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* Module 8 Choosing presents Unit 1 I always like birthday parties. 第一课时 Getting ready vocabulary 课后作业 一、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空 always, for, sometimes, make, present 1. My father ________ eats healthy food, so he is very healthy. 2. —Do you go swimming every day? —No, not often. ________ on hot days. 3. What do you want to get ________ your birthday this year? 4. —________ your mother often ________ a cake for you? —Yes, she does. 5. Do you get many ________ on your birthday? always Sometimes for Does make presents 二、单项填空 (  )1. Anns sister ________ table tennis ________ basketball. A. dont like; and B. dont like; or C. doesnt like; and D. doesnt like; or (  )2. Today is Tonys birthday. Lets ________ him. A. make a card to B. makes a card for C. make a card for D. making a card to D C (  )3. Daming ________ to music in his bedroom. A. always listen B. always listens C. listen always D. always listening (  )4. —Tom, would you like to go to our English party this Saturday? —________. A. Yes, please B. I dont like to C. Yes, Id love toD. Yes, thanks (  )5. I dont like the coat, can you show me another ________. A. one B. it C. ones D. this B C A 三、完形填空   My name is David. Im thirteen years old now. ____1____ is my birthday. Dad and Mum ____2____ a big cake for me. I like eating cakes. ____3____ the table of my bedroom, you ____4____ see the big cake. There ____5____ my name and twelve candles(蜡烛) on it. There are ____6____ things for my birthday. ____7____ are apples, pears and bananas. But Id ____8____ to have something to drink now. My ____9____ Bill and Sam are coming. I would like to share the delicious food ____10____ them. (  )1. A. That B. This C. He D. Today (  )2. A. find B. buy C. want D. put (  )3. A. With B. For C. On D. Next (  )4. A. can B. must C. cant D. dont (  )5. A. is B. are C. am D. be (  )6. A. others B. another C. other D. the others (  )7. A. They B. It C. This D. That (  )8. A. want B. t



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