七年级英语上册 Module 7 Computers Unit 1 How do I write my homework on the computer考点直击课件 外研版.pptVIP

七年级英语上册 Module 7 Computers Unit 1 How do I write my homework on the computer考点直击课件 外研版.ppt

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* Module 7 Computers 考点直击 考点直击 Module7 Computers Unit 1 考点直击 ① I want to buy a new     . ② There are some      (mouse) in the hole. ③ 这个屏幕又大又亮。 The      is big and bright. mouse mice screen 考点直击 2. ① 她想把键盘连接到电脑上。 She wants to      the keyboard to the computer. ② 这条路把房子和花园连接在一起。 The road      the house      the garden. connect connects with 考点直击 3. ①我姑姑想学英语。 My aunt wants to_________________. ②我们应该向雷锋学习。   We should ________________Lei Feng. ③ As a __________(learn),you should listen to the teacher. ④ I want to _________(了解) the history of Europe. learn/study English learn from learner learn about 考点直击 4. ①First, you can open a new      (文件). ② 请告诉我怎样保存这个文件。 Please tell me how to _____________. ③ 你能告诉我怎样打印这个文件吗? Can you tell me how to _____________? document save the document print the document 考点直击 5. ① You can _________(使用)the knife to cut things. ② I want to buy a book about the use of the computer.(翻 译句子) __________________________________ use 我想买一本关于电脑使用方面的书。 考点直击 6. ① 他们没办法存钱。 They can’t find any way to____________. ② 谢谢你救了我的命。 Thank you for ______________. save money saving my life 考点直击 7. 从final和finally中选词填空 ①_________, close the door and leave the room. ②This is our     exam. Finally final 考点直击 8. ① There is a ________(print) behind the door. ② Please help me______________(打印这个文件). printer print the document  考点直击 9. 桌子上有五张纸。 There are            on the table. five pieces of paper 考点直击 10. ① He ________(打开) the computer and begins to do his homework. turns on 考点直击 ② Please ______the door and let the boy come in. A. open B. close C. turn on D. turn off 解析 由“让那个男孩进来”可知是“打开门”,“打开”用open。故答案为A。 A 考点直击 ③ Here is the radio. I’ll____________(把它打开). turn it on 考点直击 11. ① The teacher asks us to write our homework the _____computer. A. in



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