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  - 1 -   浅谈《雷雨》中三一律的运用   摘要:“三一律”是古典主义戏剧的艺术法则,要求戏剧创作在时间、地点和情节三者之间保持一致性,即要求一出戏所叙述的故事发生在一天(一昼夜)之内,地点在一个场景,情节服从于一个主题。《雷雨》是完全遵从三一律的典范之作。其剧作完全运用了三一律,两个家庭八个人物在短短一天之内发生的故事, 却牵扯了过去的恩恩怨怨。   狭小的舞台上不仅突现了伦理的矛盾,阶级的矛盾,还有个体对于环境、时代强烈不谐调的矛盾,在种种剧烈的冲突中完成了人物形象的塑造,而悲剧早已潜伏在每一句台词,每一个伏笔中,只是到最后时分才终于爆发出来,化作一场倾盆雷雨,无比强烈的震撼了每个人的灵魂。由一个周公馆的小小客厅,一天一夜的时间铺开去,展现的却是三十年的恩怨,错综的人物关系。短短的时间,紧凑的情节,激烈的冲突,让人感觉分分秒秒之悸动。   关键词: 三一律;创作原则;突破   Talk about the Thunderstorm in the use of three unitiesAbstract: Three unities is the classical rules of drama, art, creative drama in therequested time, place and circumstances to maintain consistency between the three, which calledfor a show described in the story took place in one day (a day) of , place in a scene, thecircumstances subject to a theme. Thunderstorm is in full compliance with all three for anexample of.Full use of their play all three, two families of eight people in a short span of one daythe story took place, it involved over the past grievances and resentment of the ex.Narrowemergent stage of the family is not only the contradictions and class conflicts, as well asindividual and the environment, the times do not harmonize the contradiction between a strong,in all kinds of violent conflict in shaping the completion of the figures, and the tragedy has longbeen hidden in one line each, every in a foreshadowing, but the final hours of the outbreak wasfinally out, down into a thunderstorm, very strong shook the soul of each person. 1 weeks from asmall house living room, day and night time to roll out to the show is three decades old, thecharacters grapple with the relationship. A short period of time, a tight plot, intense conflict, theweight of three decades, obviously feels the pulsating.   Key words:Three unitiesuse; Creative principle; Breakthrough- 2 -   绪 论   “三一律”是欧洲古典主义戏剧所遵循的一种创作法规。它要求剧本必须地点一致,即剧中的人和事只能出现在一个地点;时间一致,剧中故事经历的时间不得超过 24小时;动作一致,即情节按一条主线进行。这是在亚里士多德观点的基础上进行阐发、补充而成的。亚里士多德在其 《诗学》对希腊戏剧特点的叙述中, 只提到情节的一致和时间的一致。   [1]   到15世纪文艺复兴时期,意大利的文艺理论家把地点的一致


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