英语人教版九年级全册Unit 13教案.docx

英语人教版九年级全册Unit 13教案.docx

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Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth! 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标 基本词汇:litter, advantage, bottom, fisherman, coal, ugly, cost, wooden, plastic, takeaway, bin, shark, fin, method, cruel. Harmful, chain, ecosystem, industry, law, scientific, afford, reusable, transportation, recycle, napkin, upside, gate, bottle, president, inspiration, iron, work, metal, creativity, 基本词组:be harmful to, at the top(of sth.), take part in, turn off, take action, throw away, put sth. to good use, pull… down, bring back 基本句型:We’re trying to save the earth! The river used to be so clean. The air is badly polluted. No scientific studies have showed that shark fins are good for health. We should help save the sharks. 2. 技能目标: 能正确运用现在进行时,现在完成时,被动语态,情态动词和used to 句型。 3. 情感目标: 有环境危机意识,学会关注环境保护环境。 二、教学重难点: 1. 教学重点:(1)能正确运用现在进行时,现在完成时,被动语态,情态动词和used to 句型。 (2)保护环境的措施方法。 2. 教学难点:能正确运用现在进行时,现在完成时,被动语态,情态动词和used to 句型。 三、教学过程 Section A 2 (3a-3c I. Revision Translation. ①甚至是河底都满是垃圾。 ②这个小镇上的每个人都应该参加打扫。 ③骑自行车有其它的优点。 ④我买外卖食品从来不拿木筷子和塑料叉子。 II. Warming up 1. T: The earth is badly polluted. What should we do to save the earth? Let’s take action. For example: ①Turn off the lights when you leave a room; ②Take buses instead of driving cars = 3 \* GB3 ③Recycle books and paper. 2. There are some animals are endangered. We should do something to protect the animals and the environment! III. Discussion 1. What do you know about shark(鲨鱼)? 2. Do you think sharks can be endangered? Why? 3. What do you think might cause a fall in the number of sharks? IV. Reading 1. Complete the fact sheet in 3a. Where shark fin soup is popular ? Number of sharks caught and traded every year How government can help Two environmental groups which are against “finning” 2. Retell the passage. shark’s fin soup, in southern China each time cut off no longer not only…but also… at the top drop be endangered the strongest


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