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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * We’ll start with a couple of simple design patterns and spend most of our time discussing the three I’ve highlighted on this slide. I’ll try to go into low level detail on the last few and we’ll spend some time discussing variations of implementation and any other considerations. * We’ll start with a couple of simple design patterns and spend most of our time discussing the three I’ve highlighted on this slide. I’ll try to go into low level detail on the last few and we’ll spend some time discussing variations of implementation and any other considerations. * * Timed structures are a new feature in LabVIEW 8. Two new timed structures are introduced, the Timed Sequence and the Timed Loop With Frames。 They help facilitate precise timing of operations in LabVIEW. Additionally, they enable the ability to have parallel loops running at different rates and with different priorities on the same block diagram in LabVIEW. They provide feedback about the execution status and timing of the structure, and allow you to easily change timing characteristics of the structure during execution. For some examples that show off the various features of TimedStructures, see the examples at this location, or by looking under New Examples in LabVIEW 8 in the NI Example Finder. LabVIEW8定时结构中添加了新的定时顺序结构功能,定时结构可以选择不同的时钟源作为时基。利用定时结构的内部节点可以动态的改变定时特性,比如循环周期,偏移时间等。定时结构都有一个优先级,在多线程程序中优先级决定了哪个线程可以优先抢占cpu。定时结构的参数 既可以在配置界面中静态的设置也可以在程序执行过程中动态的赋值。next) * The new Timed Sequence does in many ways behave like a Sequence Structure, but it has the added funtionality of built-in timing. The Timed Sequence structure consists of one or more task sub diagrams, or frames, that execute sequentially. You should use the Timed Sequence when you want to develop VIs with some of the following characteristics: multi-rate timing capabilities precise timing execution feedback timing characteristics that change dynamically several levels of execution priority * On t


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