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PAGE 66 土壤与环境 Vol.9 No.1 PAGE 67 Vol.9 No.1 涂书新等:植物根系分泌物与根际营养关系评述 土壤与环境 2000, 9(1): 64~67 Soil and Environmental Sciences E-mail: ses@ 基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目 作者简介:涂书新(1962~),男,博士,副研究员。 收稿日期:1999-12-04 文章编号:1008-181X(2000)01-0064-04 植物根系分泌物与根际营养关系评述 涂书新1,孙锦荷2,郭智芬1,谷峰1 (1: 湖北省农业科学院原子能所, 武汉430064;2: 浙江大学核农所, 杭州310029) 摘要:根系分泌物(root exudates,RE)主要有粘胶、外酶、有机酸、糖、酚及各种氨基酸。不同营养基因型的植物,RE组分明显不同。存在养分和环境胁迫时,植物通过增加粘胶、酶及某些有机酸的分泌量以适应变化的环境。RE也是植物改善根际营养环境的重要手段。RE可改善土壤物理结构,促进矿物风化,提高土壤CEC,影响土壤pH、土壤矿物表面吸附性能及土壤生物学性质。RE还在活化根际土壤养分,促进植物对养分吸收起主要作用。今后RE的研究应注重RE研究方法的完善,拓展研究领域,并加强与各学科的联合。 关键词:根系分泌物;根际;基因型;微生态;研究展望 中图分类号:S158.3 文献标识码:A On Relationship between Root Exudates and Plant Nutrition in Rhizosphere TU Shu-xin1, SUN Jin-he2, GUO Zhi-fen1, GU Feng1 ( 1: Atomic Energy Application Institute, Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Wuhan 430064, China; 2: Institute of Nuclear Agricultural Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310029, China ) Abstract: Root exudates (RE) mainly include mucilage, ecotoenzymes, organic, sugar, phenol and various kinds of amino acids. Plants with different nutritional genotypes differ in RE composition. Plant could adapt itself to the changing rhizosphere environment by increasing exudation of some specific RE when encountered nutrient and environmental stress. RE is an important way used by plant to improve its nutrient status in rhizosphere because RE could improve soil structure, cause weathering of soil minerals, increase soil CEC and affect soil pH, sorption properties of soil surface and soil biological traits. RE also play a key role in activating soil nutrients and enhance ability of plant to take up nutrients. Further studies on plant RE should emphasis on perfecting research methods, enlarging research field and strengthen


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