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说服性销售技巧(4) 善于运用需求-认识- 特点-利益的逻辑思维方式 善于进行特点-效益 (利益) 之间的转化。 实用举例: 说服性销售技巧 (5) 第五步:建议可行下一步 以简单行动结束 提供一个二选一的正向选择 开放性问题 沉默 给出立即行动的原因 说服性销售技巧 (5) 当对方犹豫不决时: 充满自信地建议可行下 一步 记住:自信可以影响他 人。 说服性销售陈述的流程 增强客户的兴趣 第一步 第二步 第三步 第四步 第五步 概述 情况 陈述 主意 解释 运作 强调 关键 利益 结束 (简单 易行下 一步) 确定客户的兴趣 介绍特殊的,为客户量身制作的利益 增强客户的兴趣 沟通技巧与说服性销售模式 交流过程 说服性销售模式 获取信息 转化我们对信息 的理解 传达我们自己的 信息 总结境况 陈述观点 解释观点怎样 运作 再次强调关键 利益 建议一个简单 易行的下一步 说服性销售技巧小贴士 有效的客户渗透并成为客户问题的专家 用说服性销售模式的五步来准备和进行销售陈述 说服性销售的核心在于利益卖进 反复练习和使用是提高说服性销售模式的唯一途径 THANK YOU SUCCESS * * 可编辑 * * Note: -Trainer will show the definition and explain it with example. -Trainer will also provide the participant a positive perspective for objections * * Note: -This is a important part in the handling objections.Because these are the roots for objections -Common and Difference. -Common will help us to make alignment with buyer. Difference will make buyer refuse our idea.Different people have different position and point of view. We can抰 influence others until we understand the roots reason for the difference. -Trainer will review the Difference one by one and give example for each of them * * Note: Trainer has review the definition of PSF with participants.It move to introduction for persuasive selling format. Before this,participants should understand what kinds of questions will a buyer ask before he make the decision.Once we understand these questions,we will have a very good presentation format to sell to the buyer. Here we use the above example: Background: There is a consumer who has money,there is one sales representative who want to sell computer.Whether or not this consumer will buy this computer? What kinds of questions he will ask before he makes the decision? 1.Does this idea fit my situation? This the first question the buyer will ask.Is it nessary for me to own a computer for myself? The answer will be yes or no.If no,the possibility to close the sale is very low. If yes, the buyer will need a computer to do the finance manageme


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