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PAGE PAGE 1 北京林业大学2006--2007学年第一学期考试试卷(A) 试卷名称: 英语写作I 课程所在院系: 外语学院 考试班级: 英语03级 试卷说明: 本次考试为开卷考试,可以查阅教材和词典,但不得违反考场纪律; 本试卷共计4页,共5大部分,请勿漏答;考试时间为120分钟,请掌握好答题时间; 答题之前,请将答题纸上的考试班级、学号、姓名填写清楚; 本试卷所有试题答案写在答题纸上;写在本试卷上的答案不给分。 答题完毕,请将答题纸正面向外对叠交回,不得带出考场; 考试中心提示:请你遵守考场纪律,参与公平竞争! I. Fill the blanks with the words provided. (20 points) after back cringe died film for from gained growing junk muddle only passed replace strategy turned was while who worried McDonald’s had lost more than direction. A wave of anti-American feeling abroad _____(1) its world famous “golden arches” _____(2) an asset into a liability. And there was _____(3) concern about obesity and _____(4) food. McDonald’s was even sued (so far, unsuccessfully) _____(5) making people fat. Even now, long _____(6) its debut in America, Morgan Spurlock’s _____(7) “Super Size Me” is making overseas audiences _____(8) at how he made himself ill and _____(9) 25 pounds (11kg) by eating _____(10) McDonald’s food for 30 days. Many companies might have tried to _____(11) through. But in January 2003, Jim Cantalupo, a McDonald’s veteran _____(12) used to head international operations and who had been _____(13) over for the top job, was brought _____(14) from retirement to _____(15) Jack Greenberg, forced out as chief executive by _____(16) shareholders. The “Plan to Win”, as the company’s recovery _____(17) is called, is largely Mr Cantalupo’s work. He _____(18) hugely popular at the firm’s headquarters in a leafy Chicago suburb. However, in April, _____(19) attending a McDonald’s convention in Florida, Mr Cantalupo, who was 60, _____(20) after a heart attack. II. Summarize in 50-100 words what the article says about CNNfn. (20 points) BRIEFLY in the late 1990s, two cable television networks became America’s national obsession. CNBC and CNNfn, with their constant stream of business news delivered in the manner of a sports show, held the nation’s attention as everyone cheered on share prices to record


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