英语口语 动物权利.docx

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A:Do you know what is the animal rights? 你们知道什么是动物权利吗 B:I know,Animal rights, or called animal liberation, is the social movement that the person who initiated the protection of animals not be treat as the chose in possession for human beings .动物权利,或称动物解放,是人发起的保护动物不被人类作为占有物来对待的社会运动 . C:En…,this is a more radical social thought, the aim is not only for animals to be more kindness treat , more claim animals to enjoy the spirit of the basic right of people. 这是一种比较激进的社会思潮,其宗旨不仅要为动物争取被更仁慈对待的权利,更主张动物要享有精神上的基本 人 权。 D:But what is the animal welfare socialism?Do you know it and animal rights have distinction?但是什么是动物福利主义呢? 你们知道这跟动物权利有区别吗 A:People often have confusion between the animal welfare socialism and animal rights, Animal welfare socialism only concerned about animals from abuse, and not try to protect animal spirit on the right. 常有人将动物权利与“动物福利”主义相混淆,动物福利主义仅仅关心动物不受虐待,而不试图保障动物精神上的权利。 D:Yes ,animal rights activists claim animals have rights, but not that animals and humans have the same rights, for instance, they dont think the poultry need to have the right to vote, because the animal cannot recognize what is meant by election 动物权利主义者主张动物享有应有的权利,但并不是主张动物与人类享有完全同等的权利,比方说,他们不认为家禽需要享有选举权,因为动物未能认知何谓选举。 B:There are a lot of people use animals to do the experiment,How do you look at the animal experiment? 有很多人用动物做实验, 那么你们怎么看待动物实验呢 C:I think animal experiments should be banned.because it is too cruel to animals. Yes,human nature is not the master of all things, we should love animals, respect for life. 我认为应该禁止动物实验,因为这对动物来说太残忍了.人类不是自然万物的主宰,我们应该爱护动物、尊重生命. A:But experimental animals for human medical advances made great contribution,so we only need to ban unnecessary animal experiments .但是实验动物为人类医学进步作出了巨大贡献,所以我们只需要禁止不必要的动物实验。 D:I agree with you,Natural selection and survival of the fittest, we should follow the law of the jungle.物竞天择,适者生存,我们都应该遵循丛林法则。 C:No,I think if the animal life changes in temperature and life and death are not affect our hearts, human warmth can not be re


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