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PAGE 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 摘 要 1 Abstract 2 引 言 3 1 房地产项目节能管理的概述 3 1.1 房地产项目节能及节能管理概念 3 1.2 房地产项目节能系统 3 1.3 房地产项目节能管理的目标体系 4 2 房地产项目全寿命周期的节能分析 5 2.1 房地产项目全寿命周期分析模型 5 2.2 房地产项目全寿命周期节能分析模型 6 2.3 基于全寿命周期节能分析模型的各阶段节能分析 7 3 基于全寿命周期的房地产项目的节能管理 9 3.1 房地产项目的全寿命周期的节能监测 9 3.2 房地产项目的全寿命周期节能管理对策 11 结束语 16 致谢 17 参考文献 18 郑州大学本科毕业论文 房地产项目全寿命周期的节能管理 PAGE 6 摘 要 近十年来, 我国的房屋建设保持了持续高速的增长, 每年的房屋建筑总建设量高20~40亿平方米,竣工房屋建筑达1622亿平方米, 年增长率约为8%~10%[1]。经济的长期持续高速发展造成了发展与自然、资源和环境的矛盾。建设节约型社会成为国家发展目标之一,在这种大背景下, 建筑节能的发展步伐加快。房地产开发项目又是城市建设的重要微观元素之一,所以实施房地产项目的节能管理对于解决建筑领域的能源问题具有重要意义,既能降低全社会建筑能耗和资源能耗,又能让老百姓提高生活质量,利国利民,意义重大。 本文以房地产项目为研究对象,运用全寿命周期分析的理论和方法,分析了其在全寿命周期内从材料生产、项目施工、建筑物运行维护以及建筑物拆除等各阶段的能源消耗,和在准备阶段、实施阶段和运行阶段的节能管理措施。本文先描述房地产项目的节能管理系统和目标,其次分析房地产项目的全寿命周期节能模型,再根据模型提出各种节能对策和方法。 关键词:房地产项目;全寿命周期;节能管理 Abstract Over the past decade, China has maintained sustained and rapid housing growth, the total annual construction volume of housing construction in the high 20~40 million square meters. Completion of 1622 million square meters of housing construction reached an annual growth rate of about 8%~10%. The long-term sustainable economic growth is casuing the rapid development of natural resources and the conflicts between environment and economy. Building an energy-efficient society is becoming one of the goals of national development. Under the context, the building’s energy management is becoming more important. Real estate development project is the urban construction of one of the important micro-elements, the implementation of real estate projects of energy saving management for solving the energy problems in the construction sector is important, both reduce the whole community building energy and resource consumption, while still allowing people improve quality of life benefits the country and of great significance. This real estate project as the research object, the object of study is defi


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