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42 4 Vol.42 No.4
2014 2 16 Power System Protection and Control Feb.16, 2014
Application of multi-view panoramic power fault repair based on geographic information
WANG Peng, SU Hua-yan
(Xiamen Great Power Geo Information Technology Co., Ltd, Xiamen 361009, China)
Abstract: There are some problems in the traditional fault repair process, for example, the 95598 customer service centre and repair
team cannot communicate timely, the repair information feedback lags behind, and the customer cannot timely know the recovery
time. Based on GIS visualization show advantage and integrating marketing business application system, this paper constructs the
Marketing GIS Application System. Using the computer, the Internet and wireless network (GPRS, GPS) technology, through the
mobile telecom terminals such as intelligent mobile terminal (PDA) and individual soldier video, the real-time feedback of the field
repair information and video can be realized. The application such as system interaction interface and service online monitoring can
provide technical support for remote workstation in terms of reasonable vehicle dispatch, rational division of labor and shortening the
repair time, so the 95598 customer service center can fast response to customer, the security repair information can be more accurate,
the customer perception can be improved, as well as the efficiency of customer service.
Key words: marketing GIS application system; panoramic view of fault repair; intelligent mobile terminal; personal digital assistant;
individual soldier video
TM73 A 1674-3415(2014)04-0128-05
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