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37 4 Vol. 37 No. 4
2013 4 Power System Technology Apr. 2013
1000-3673201304-0906-08 TM 72 A 470·4054
1 1 2
1 510663
2 510640
Control Method and Strategy for Smooth Switching of
Microgrid Operation Modes Based on Complex Energy Storage
1 1 2
LIU Zhiwen , XIA Wenbo , LIU Mingbo
(1. Guangdong Electric Power Design Institute, China Energy Engineering Group Co. Ltd., Guangzhou 510663,
Guangdong Province, China; 2. School of Electric Power, South China University of Technology,
Guangzhou 510640, Guangdong Province, China)
ABSTRACT: In allusion to power imbalance during switching
microgrid from grid-connected operation mode to non-plan
island operation mode, under the premise of not changing the
operation and control mode of distributed generations (DG) the
complex energy storage device composed of super capacitor 0
and battery is taken as the main power supply during the island
operation of microgrid. A switching control strategy is drafted
for the transition of operation mode of microgrid from
grid-connected mode to non-plan island mode to ensure normal
power supply for important load and normal operation of DGs (point of
before and after the transition; when the operation mode of common couplingPCC)
microgrid is s
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