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欧盟的反倾销政策外文翻译 外文翻译 原文 European Union anti-dumping polices Material Source: Springer Berlin/HeidelbergAuthor:Uta Mobius The traditional trade-policy measures deployed by the EU to protcct its markets for industrial goods arc declining in importance. The general level of tariffs is rather low and is set to fall further in the wake of the implementation of the Uruguay Round of the GATT. Quantitative restrictions on imports from GATT partner countries are banned under the Agreement and, for the restrietions sti 11 in existence in the textile sector, a schedule, albeit a long-term one, for abolition has been agreed. Even the popular so-called grey area measures, such as voluntaryzz export restreiint agreements, which enabled undesirable imports to be cur tn 订 ed in the face of the rules imposed by the GATT, are to be more stringently punished within the framework of the new World Trade OrganisationWTO. It is against this background that attention has increasingly been drawn to anti-dumping policies as a legitimate strategy against the trend towards free trade. Against the background of a multi lateral trade system based on most-favoured nation status and equal t rcatm ent of all member count ries, anti-dumping policies, leg iti mi seel as a z/legal obstacle to unfair methods7, enable a country to raise the price of, and thus hinder, undesired imports in a very precise, discriminatory fashion. It is increasingly being claimed that EU anti-dumping policies are being used less as a corrective for unfair trade practices than as an autonomous instrument of protectionism. Preconditions for anti-dumping procedures From the very outset the original GATT Treaty made provision in Article VI for anti-dumping rcgulations as a means of recourse against unfair trade practices. The conditions applying to anti-dumping procedures were specified further in the Uruguay Round. The iules of the game have been rendered more precise in order to improve legislative consistency and to ensure in


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