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Whose mistakes ? mistake n.错误 adj. mistaken make a mistake 犯错误 Youve made several grammatical ~ in the composition. judge n 裁判员 The judge’s decision is right. receive v 收到 receive 客观 accept 主观 I received a bunch of flowers this morning , but I didnt accept it . base n.基座 insist v. 坚持 insist +sth. / that 从句 He insisted that he had done right. insist on doing sth. 坚持做某事 He insisted on paying for the meal. sculptor n. 雕刻家 n. 雕塑 ( sculpture ) dollar n. 美元 Can you lend me five dollars ? traditional adj. 传统的 traditional Chinese 繁体中文 traditional culture 传统文化 traditional medicine 中医 traditional method 传统方法 traditional Chinese painting 中国画 tradition n. 传统 judge 5 mistake 3 dollar 4 sculptor2 base 6 receive 7 traditional1 insist 8 根据英语说出汉语意思. 基座5 错误3 收到4 坚持2 评判员6 传统的7 雕塑家1 美元8 根据汉语说出英语单词. 正方形 square 三角形 triangle 长方形 rectangle 圆形 round Fast reading 1. How many sculptures had the judges chosen ? 2. What had they chosen them for ? 3. Which piece did the judges choose ? 4. What did the artist reieve the next day ? 5. Did he see his sculpture in the exhibition ? 6. Was it a mistake ? 7. What did the judges think of the head ? can could must may might might may could can must 都可表推测, might 最小, must 最大 1. Must : “一定” 对现在事情的推测(肯定) must be / must be doing eg : This book must be Ceces , she loves stories . John must be practicing the piano , he has a contest tomorrow . 否定的推测 : Cant be “一定不” Mr. Blake cant be in the classroom now , I saw him entering the library five minutes ago . 对过去事情的推测 Must have done He must have passed the final exam . 知识回顾Knowledge Review


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