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第一步:到登记机关进行名称查询及名称核准申请,领取“企业名称预先核准通知书”)。 需提交名称查询表和外商投资企业名称预先核准申请书及相关材料。 第二步:凭“企业名称预先核准通知书”及相关文件去商务部门(对外贸易经济合作部门)办理审批手续。 第三步:在商务部门(对外贸易经济合作部门)取得设立批复及批准证书后(如果经营范围中有涉及前置许可的项目,须同时取得相关许可证件),再到工商部门外资登记窗口办理开业登记。   PROCEDURES FOR OPENING A FOREIGN-INVESTED LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANYA      STEP 1: In establishing a limited liability company, the name pre-approval shall be applied for with the company registration authority by the representative appointed by all the shareholders or by the agent entrusted jointly by all the shareholders.    To apply for name pre-approval, the following documents shall be   submitted:    (1) application for name pre-approval signed by all the shareholders   of the limited liability company or by all the promoters of the company   limited by shares;    (2) legal person qualification certificates of the shareholders or of   the promoters or identity certificates of natural persons; and    (3) other documents required to be submitted by the company   registration authority.      STEP 2: To apply for the approval documents from the examination and approval authority,such as Ministries of Commerce*.      STEP 3: To apply for establishing a limited liability company, the following   documents should be submitted to the company registration authority:    (1) application for registration of establishment signed by the   chairman of the board of directors of the company;    (2) certificate of appointed representative or jointly entrusted agent   by all the shareholders;    (3) the company’s articles of association;    (4) investment verification certificates issued by a legally   authorized investment verification authority;    (5) legal person qualification certificates of the shareholders or   identity certificates of natural persons;    (6) documents indicating the names and residence of the company’s   directors, supervisors and managers, and the certificates relating to   their appointments, elections or engagements;    (7)



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