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04级临床,麻醉,影像专业预防医学试题 名解: 1.窒息性气体 2.必须脂肪酸 3.酸雨 4.矽尘作业 5.食物中毒 6.有效氯 简答: 1.适量紫外线的生物学效应 2.影响钙吸收的因素 3.什么是生产性毒物以及主要来源 问答: 1.地方性氟中毒的病因,机制,主要临床表现和诊断原则 2.母乳喂养的优点 3.病例讨论:汞中毒 可能的职业性有害因素?可能的致病机制?要作准确诊断应补充什么材料?处理原则? 05临床预防医学非选择题 名解 1 介水传染病 2 LD50 3 silicosis 4 局部振动病 5 食物特殊动力作用 6 必需氨基酸 问答 1 简述太阳辐射的生物学效应 2 简述氟骨病的诊断依据 3 简述生产性粉尘对人体的致病作用 4 简述噪音性听力系统损伤的发展过程 5 简述食物中毒的特点 6 简述膳食纤维的生理功能 05级八年制预防医学(卫生学)非选择题 名解: Eutrophication Soil pollution RNI(RDA) Kwashiorkor Occupational disease Silicosis 问答: 1. Major source of atmospheric pollution and its features. 2. The mechanism of CO poisoning 3. Four elements for diagnosis of occupational disease. 4. What are the characteristics of prevalence of IDD. 5. The property and the function of fermentation dietary fiber. 06八年制预防医学大题 Simple choice 11*2 1.which lipoprotein contain highest amount of triglycerides? a.hdl b.ldl c.vldl d.idl e.chy 2.which food contain high amount of vitamin E? 3.which occupational disease occurs in the highest incidence in china? a.pneumoconiosis b.metal poisonings c.pesticide poisoning d.irritants and alphyxiants poisonings e.heat injuries 4.which item is not the mechanism of chemical pneumonedema? a.inreased capillary hydrostatic pressure b.inreased capillary permeability c.cellular asphyxia d.release of vascular cytokines e.lymphatic obstruction 5.Weather phenomena form in a.mesosphere b.stratosphere c.troposphere d.thermosphere e.exosphere 6.which one is not the outcome of hypernutrition? 7.Which gas below is not water-soluble? 8.What is the etiopathogen of minamata disease? 9.What is the evalutaion indices for the chlorine disinfection water? Term definition 6*4 IDD raynaud’s disease work-related disease Air pollution RNI(RDA) Kwashiorkor Answer briefly 9*6 1.Describe how air pollution indirectly affect health 2.How to decrease serum LDL level via dietary lipids? 3.What is the typical pathological features of silicosis? 4.What drugs should be administrated in the situation of rganophosphate poisoing? Please describe t


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