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1._Beowulf______ is the representative works in the Anglo-Saxon Literature. 2._Humanism____ is the central theme of the English Renaissance. 3. English language in the Anglo-Saxon period was influenced by the Northern _mythology___ 4.The Anglo-Saxon poetry belongs to secular poetry, that is __non-religious poems but with Christian coloring. 5. ____Alliteration________ is the most important feature in Beowulf. 6. Another writing feature in Beowulf is the frequent use of ___metaphors__ and __understatements_ for ironical humor. 7.In 55 B. C., Britain was invaded by ___Julius Caesar_______, the Roman conqueror. Along with the invasion came the ____Roman mode of life______ into Britain. 8.The __Anglo-Saxon_________ period witnessed a transition from tribal society to feudalism. 9.The first Englishmen are usually known as ___Angles, Saxons and Jutes_________ Language spoken by them is called___Old English_______, which is the foundation of English language and literature. 10. The literature of the Anglo-Saxon period falls naturally into two divisions, _pagan___ and Christian. 11. ___Beowulf_ is the oldest surviving epic in the English language. 12.King Alfred the Great encouraged ___education_______ and literature. 13. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle was a monument of ____Old English prose_________, encouraged and supervised by King Alfred the Great. 14. Wat Tyler and John Ball are the leaders of the Rising of___1381____. 15. The peasants Rising of 1381 had shaken the __feudal__ system in England to the root. 16. The most prevailing kind of literature in feudal England was the ___romance______. 17. The theme of the romances is the __loyalty____ to king and lord. 18. Malory’s ___Le Morte D’Arthur___ was a 15th-century masterpiece which influenced the later writers. 19. Malory used simple and idiomatic English prose to translate The Death of King Arthur from ___French___ into __English_____. 20. Shakespeare’s narrative poem, Venus and Adonis, is full of vivid images of


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