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2018中考模拟试题(二) A卷 1-5: ABCAB 6-10: DECBA 11-15: CABBC 16-20: CAACB 21-25: ABCDE 26.dangerous ways 27.protect/guard/make sure 28.food management 29.purpose 30.doubt/worry/disbelieve 31-35: BCBCB 36-40: CCBCC 41-45: ABCDE 46-50: CACBB 51-55: CCCAB 56-60: ACCBC 61-65: BBBBA 66-70: ABCAB 71-75: BBACC B卷 (一)、1.meaningless 2.canceled 3.weighed 4.colorful petitor (二)、1. wish 2. outdoor  3. burn  4. just   5. gradually  6. avoid 7. quickly  8. Besides  9. nearest/closest  10. outside  (三)、1.taught 2.unfair 3.unlucky 4.pain 5.life’s 6.fame 7.season 8.fun 9.discussion 10.difficult (四)、A 1-5: AFDCE B 1.General introduction 2.traditionally 3.its popularity 4.Advantages and disadvantages 5. available (五)、One Possible Version: Last week, we held a discussion about whether music and art should be in the entrance examination for the high school. Students have different opinions. Some students think that it offers us more chance to study music and art. Therefore, we will pay more attention to them. Meanwhile, it can improve our art skills. However, a few students disagree with it. If music and art are in the exam, there will be more subjects to prepare for, and it needs more time and energy. So students will be under too much pressure. In my opinion, music and art should be in the entrance examination for high school. As we all know, art and music play an important role in our life, which can help us develop our interests and make our life more colorful. The most important thing is that we can relax ourselves by art and music in Grade 9. 听力材料原文: 第9期 中考模拟试题(二) 一、听句子, 根据所听到的内容选择正确答语。每小题读两遍。 1. It is sunny today. Let’s go swimming. 2. Hey, watch! You are standing on my book. 3. Good evening. Can I get you something to drink? 4. Thanks for taking me home, Jack. 5. What are they like? 二、听句子, 选择与所听句子内容相符的图片。每小题读两遍。 6.The children went to plant t


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