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* httrhtrjtyj hfghngfjgfjfg * httrhtrjtyj hfghngfjgfjfg * httrhtrjtyj hfghngfjgfjfg * httrhtrjtyj hfghngfjgfjfg * httrhtrjtyj hfghngfjgfjfg * httrhtrjtyj hfghngfjgfjfg * httrhtrjtyj hfghngfjgfjfg * httrhtrjtyj hfghngfjgfjfg * httrhtrjtyj hfghngfjgfjfg * httrhtrjtyj hfghngfjgfjfg * httrhtrjtyj hfghngfjgfjfg * httrhtrjtyj hfghngfjgfjfg There are at least 2 people in this world who you would die for. And…….at least 15 people in this world who you love in some way. 在这个世界上,至少有2个人是你所渴望见到的…至少有15个人是你有不同程度喜爱的. * fhfthytjyj The only reason that anyone would ever hate you, Is because they want to be just like you. 如果有人恨你,唯一的原因是他们希望像你一样。 * fhfthytjyj A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they do not like you. 你的微笑会带给别人快乐,即使那些不喜欢你的人。 * fhfthytjyj Every night, someone will think of you. You mean the world to someone. 每个夜晚,都会有人想起你。 对某些人而言,你就意味着世界。 * fhfthytjyj You are unique. Someone you don’t even know – loves you. 你是独特、独一无二的,所以正有人在你不知道的时候-——爱着你。 * fhfthytjyj When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it. 即使当你犯下大错,也许好的事情也随之而来。 * fhfthytjyj Always remember the compliments that you received. Forget about the rude remarks. 记住你得到的赞美, 忘记别人不友善的议论。 * fhfthytjyj Success keeps you glowing, But only students keep you going. 成功让我们兴奋,燃烧, 但只有学生让我们持续向前。 * fhfthytjyj Always remember…when life hands you a lemon – always ask for sugar! 记住…当生活给了你酸柠- 再要点糖! * fhfthytjyj Happiness keeps you sweet, Trials keep you strong. Sorrows keep you Human, Life keeps you humble. 幸福让我们惬意, 磨难让我们强壮. 悲伤让我们通情达理,生活让我们谦虚. * fhfthytjyj When you think the World has turned Its back on you…… take another look. 当觉得世界背叛了你…换个角度来看. * fhfthytjyj Parents are like stars, you don’t always see them – but you know they are there. 父母就象星星,不用总看到他们。 但你知道他们一直在那里。 * fhfthytjyj I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a parents while I am here – than a whole truckload when I am gone. 我宁愿生时拥有玫瑰和亲人温馨的话语 —也不愿死时只有成堆的金


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