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Unit 6 Lesson 30 暑假就要开始了 2. On your own Complete the following sentences. Write five more sentences.Compare with a partner. (1) 能 你能遛这么多狗吗? 你 挣到零花钱吗? 你 找到工作吗? 你 写完作业吗? Complete the sentences according to the pictures. 马明帮邻居们 安妮 李大龙 王小雨 SuSan先挣钱,然后再去旅行。 李大龙先做作业再打网球 王小雨先擦玻璃再吃饭 3. Interview a partner 1、你有零用钱吗? 2、你怎么挣零花钱? 3、你喜欢打工吗?为什么? 4、你喜欢旅行吗? 5、你最喜欢去什么地方旅行? 4. Read aloud the following ancient poem. 故人西辞黄鹤楼, 烟花三月下扬州。 孤帆远影碧空尽。 唯见长江天际流。 Make a plan for the coming summer vocation and explain it to your class. Warming-up 1. Whats your plan for the summer vacation? 你暑假打算干什么?2. Nothing special. I will go back to my hometown and stay with my family over the vacation. 没有特别的计划。就是回老家跟家人在一起待着。 3. I just got a part-time job offer. So I will be working during the vacation. 我刚得到一个兼职工作的机会。所以,整个假期都会在工作中度过。 4. Im going to Tibet with my friends. 我要跟我的朋友们去西藏。 5. My family will meet me in Qingdao, and we will spend some time there before going back home together. 我们家人会在青岛跟我会合,我们在那里待几天然后一起回家。 6. I will go to a villiage in Guizhou, working as a volunteer teacher. 我要去贵州一个小山村支教。 7. I have to attend training courses for Graduate School Entrance Exams. 我要上考研培训班。 8. I will go to Shandong to meet my girlfriends family. 我要去山东见我女朋友的家人。 9. I will just stay at my dorm, reading novels, watching movies and dreaming. 我就打算待在宿舍看看小说,看看电影,然后梦游。 10. I think I will start doing some research for my thesis. 我可能要为毕业论文开始做些研究吧 New Words 1. 亲爱的 qīn ài de dear 2.计划 jì huá (n.) plan 3.也许 yě xǔ (adv.) perhapes; maybe 4.夏令营 xià lìng yíng (n.) summer camp 5.注意 zhù yì (v.) to pay atteintion to 6.安全 ān quán (n.) safety 7.愉快 yú kuài (adj.) pleasure, delightful 8.学期 xué qī (n.) semester 9.回来 huí lái (v.) come back 10.考察 kǎo chá (v.) to investigate 11.森林 sēn lín